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Ore to Mamono no Isekai Restaurant Light Novel Illustrator Syroh Dies

posted on by Joanna Cayanan
Syroh also designed characters for Namaiki Delation, Yakimochi Stream, more visual novels

Ore to Mamono no Isekai Restaurant light novel cover, vol. 1
Image via Amazon Japan
Syroh, the illustrator of several light novels and visual novels, has died. Their family announced their death on their Twitter account last night. Syroh's family did not reveal the cause of death, and only stated that the artist died "the other day." Syroh's family also stated that they cannot update Syroh's pixivFANBOX account, and asks subscribers to personally unsubscribe from the account. Syroh was scheduled to participate at Comic Market 105 on December 29-30.

Syroh was born on November 3 in Fukuoka. Syroh is the illustrator of Yusuke Ochiai's Ore to Mamono no Isekai Restaurant (The Monster and I's Otherworld Restaurant, image right) light novel series, and Yōichi Hatsumi's Dragon Yome wa Kamatte Hoshi (The Dragon Bride Wants Attention) light novel series.

Syroh also designed characters for visual novels such as Namaiki Delation, Yakimochi Stream, Manonokko Fantasy, and Anata o Otoko ni Shite Ageru! among others.

Syroh drew the end card illustration of the third episode of the Akashic Records of Bastard Magical Instructor anime.

Sources: Syroh's X/Twitter account, Game Watch (西脇健史)

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