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by Rebecca Silverman,

Puzzle & Dragons X

BD/DVD Part 2

Puzzle & Dragons X BD/DVD Part 2
Now that he and his friends are full-fledged dragon callers, Ace begins taking part in guild missions. These run the gamut from those he can do by himself to others he has to cooperate with other dragon callers on, and not only does Ace begin to hone his skills, but to learn more about his friends and companions. But all is far from over – the threat of the JSF still looms and with the Battle Cup tournament to determine the strongest dragon caller approaching, Ace, Charo, and Tiger have a lot to consider as they continue to aim for the top.

Just because you've achieved your goal doesn't mean that the journey's over. That's the premise behind the second set of Puzzle & Dragons X episodes to be released on DVD. The first thirteen saw Ace work towards his goal of becoming a dragon caller – the show's combination of Pokémon trainer and generalized RPG hunter – like his late father was, as well as learning that sometimes meeting your heroes is not a great idea. Episode fourteen picks up with Ace and his two new friends Charo and Tiger having all passed the exams to become official dragon callers, and the boys quickly realize that just because they now have sanctioned D-gears and official backing, their journeys are far from over.

Partially this is because now they have responsibilities to look into reported monster problems. In part this involves them just sort of traveling around and seeing what they fall into, but they also have specific missions assigned to them. Since what they can do depends upon their strength and that of the monsters they've allied with, getting stronger becomes more than just a plot device – it's actually something that they legitimately need to be concerned about if they want to advance in their careers, especially since all three of the boys are humans and not dragonoids. For Charo and Tiger, this means both trying to live up to Ace's impressive natural talent, but also that they need to acquire soul armor like he (and other dragon callers of note) have in order to be taken more seriously.

If this sounds like the set up for the boys to have a falling out, that's not totally incorrect. Puzzle & Dragons X does deserve a lot of credit, however, for not taking this down the typical path of jealousy. Neither Tiger nor Charo suddenly grows resentful of Ace, nor do they decide that he's somehow to blame for their own perceived failings. Instead Charo sort of swallows down his feelings of inferiority (and to be honest, he doesn't appear to have many; this is a very secure kid we're talking about) while Tiger sees his lack of strength as his own issue. In large part he arrives at this conclusion because of a chance meeting with an old partner, a girl named Rose. Before meeting Ace, Tiger apparently traveled with her until she decided that he was somehow holding her back. When the two reunite, Rose has a bad case of the Superiorities, and she basically tells Tiger that he's still weak and has lame soul armor because he has too much fun.

Apart from the fact that she's really very cruel to him when she has no right to be, the most damage is done to Tiger's self-esteem. Previous to reuniting with Rose, Tiger was rightly feeling pretty good about his progress and the fact that he had gotten acquired soul armor at all. That he did so not because of his brute strength or other physical prowess but because he is genuinely a good person makes him more impressive – but Rose doesn't know this. Because she knows him, she knows just how to hit him so it hurts, and the result is that Tiger essentially punishes himself for her perceptions of his failings. While the younger viewers of the show may not fully grasp what's going on here, older viewers will see that while Tiger won't be hurt by some time alone, he also is losing something more important in allowing Rose's criticisms under his skin. Even though he's the oldest of the three boys, he's also not the most secure or mature, as we can see later when Ace, feeling similarly beaten down by a terrible little brat named Star John, sets out to find a specific monster. The difference is that he's doing this one thing on his own, and we have every expectation that when he's done, he and Charo will go on together again.

By this point in the series it's become clear that we have three major plots going on: the shorter arced stories, such as Ace going to find Horus or the Battle Cup, the dragonoids versus humans storyline, and the SDF plot. Those last two may very well turn out to be connected, as both are spearheaded by dragonoids, but at the moment the two seem to be existing separately. The third story thread appears to be the one that is most likely to be around for the long haul, as it sets up the classic science fiction versus fantasy storyline that can in this case be summed up as technology versus a magical environment. We're still not entirely clear on what Nyudo plans to really do, but there's enough talk about how the drops (evidence of the show's origins as a match 3 game) are the earth healing herself to raise some concern.

This set of episodes is a little less tightly put together than the previous release. Apart from the fact that the eighth episode is a clip show, there are also episodes for several of the side characters, which have varying success. Lance's is definitely the best of that bunch, with not only a valid explanation for his lack of social skills and grumpy attitude but also doing a truly good job at making Devi a sympathetic character. Garnet's is on the other end of the spectrum, but if you don't find her an annoying character, you may enjoy it more. Monster designs continue to be on the cuter side, which really isn't a problem, while people's designs are a little more off – Star John appears to either be the son of Ryo-Ohki from the Tenchi Muyo! franchise or to have skinned her and remade her as a hat.

Puzzle & Dragons X's second release isn't quite as good as its first, but it's still a kids' show that is easily enjoyed by an adult audience. With bright colors, adorable monsters, and themes of always trying your best even if you aren't sure how to, it's far more than its humble origins would suggest. You could do a lot worse if you're looking for a light fantasy adventure.

Overall (dub) : B-
Overall (sub) : B-
Story : C+
Animation : B-
Art : C+
Music : C+

+ Good storyline momentum, Lance and Devi episode gives good character development, final episode gives more insight into Tamazo's species
Other character episodes are weaker, extraneous recap episode, some incongruous designs.

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Production Info:
Director: Hajime Kamegaki
Series Composition: Dai Satō
Shinzō Fujita
Naohiro Fukushima
Hiroyuki Kawasaki
Hitomi Minegishi
Yutaka Nada
Naruki Nagakawa
Dai Satō
Megumi Shimizu
Seiko Takagi
Yoriko Tomita
Kimiko Ueno
Masahiro Hosoda
Shigenori Kageyama
Hajime Kamegaki
Chiaki Kon
Hitoyuki Matsui
Masahiko Murata
Asami Nakatani
Toshinori Narita
Hideaki Oba
Hiroyuki Okuno
Takahiro Ōtsuka
Masahiro Sasaki
Sōichi Shimada
Akitoshi Shimazu
Masahiro Sonoda
Yoko Suzuki
Jun Takada
Yoshihiro Takamoto
Tsuyoshi Tobita
Masayuki Yamada
Episode Director:
Tatsuya Abe
Takashi Andō
Matsuo Asami
Yoshitaka Fujimoto
Kiyomu Fukuda
Shintaro Inokawa
Kazuya Iwata
Hajime Kamegaki
Taiji Kawanishi
Harume Kosaka
Masayuki Matsumoto
Nagisa Miyazaki
Taisuke Mori
Hikaru Murata
Masahiko Murata
Kiyoshi Murayama
Norihiko Nagahama
Chikayo Nakamura
Keisuke Nishijima
Hiroaki Nishimura
Rokō Ogiwara
Hiroyuki Okuno
Takahiro Ōtsuka
Takeyuki Sadohara
Keiichi Satō
Kiyomitsu Sato
Yoji Sato
Osamu Sekita
Sōichi Shimada
Masahiro Sonoda
Jun Takada
Tomoya Tanaka
Tsuyoshi Tobita
Masayuki Yamada
Unit Director:
Hajime Kamegaki
Chiaki Kon
Masahiro Sonoda
Yoko Suzuki
Music: Kōsuke Yamashita
Character Design: Yukiko Akiyama
Art Director:
Yukina Ikuta
Masanobu Nomura
Akihito Ōgiyama
Chief Animation Director:
Kei Ajiki
Yukiko Akiyama
Yuichi Endo
Yoshinori Iwanaga
Yasuhiko Kanezuka
Yoshiyuki Kishi
Dakone Kisui
Tsuguyuki Kubo
Manabu Kurihara
Yuko Kusumoto
Hirofumi Masuda
Yukiko Masuda
Tadashi Matsuzaki
Hisao Muramatsu
Asami Nakatani
Minako Shiba
Tomomi Yabuki
Animation Director:
Akari Abe
Min Mi Ahn
Mari Aizawa
Yukiko Akiyama
Atsushi Aono
Shigeki Awai
Noboru Chigiri
Yuichi Endo
Kazuyuki Fujita
Yoriko Gotō
Junichi Hashimoto
Kouhei Hashimoto
Maki Hashimoto
Kenji Hattori
Hye-Jung Heo
Ippei Ichii
Haruka Iida
Kazuyuki Ikai
Yuki Ikeda
Yukiko Ishibashi
Nobuharu Ishido
Min-Ho Jang
Ayako Kanemaru
Yasuhiko Kanezuka
Hiroaki Kawaguchi
Takashi Kikugawa
Fumiko Kikuta
Eun Ha Kim
Jin Young Kim
Kyung Hwan Kim
Yumiko Kinoshita
Yoshiyuki Kishi
Dakone Kisui
Yukari Kobayashi
Kenji Kondou
Kan Koube
Tsuguyuki Kubo
Manabu Kurihara
Yuko Kusumoto
Sang Jin Lee
Suk Yoon Lee
Shao Lei Li
Yukiko Masuda
Tadashi Matsuzaki
Kurumi Mori
Hisao Muramatsu
Taihei Nagai
Keigo Nagao
Asami Nakatani
Kazuko Nakayama
Keisuke Nishijima
Michiru Ogiwara
Norifumi Okuno
Mika Ookubo
Myoung Hun Park
Sang Ho Park
Takanori Saitō
Konomi Sakurai
Takurō Sakurai
Aika Satō
Gen Sato
Jung-Duk Seo
Shinichi Shigematsu
Asami Shimizu
Shōsuke Shimizu
Yukiko Shimizu
Hey Ran Shin
Min Seop Shin
Satoru Shiraishi
Mitsuru Sōma
Ryōzō Sugiyama
Akira Takeuchi
Shintaro Tsubota
Takashi Ueno
Isamu Utsuki
Keisuke Watabe
Tomomi Yabuki
Keiko Yamamoto
Noriyoshi Yamazaki
Jōji Yanase
Art design: Toshiki Amada
Sound Director:
Keiko Urakami
Yasuyuki Urakami
Director of Photography: Yukina Ikuta
Executive producer: Kazuki Morishita
Tetsuya Endo
Shuichi Fujimura
Nobuyuki Hosoya
Shoji Matsui

Full encyclopedia details about
Puzzle & Dragons X (TV)

Release information about
Puzzle & Dragons X - Part 2 (BD+DVD)

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