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NEWS: 11 Astro Boy Film Clips, Miracle Train TV Ad Streamed

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Joined: 16 Jul 2009
Posts: 113
PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:35 am Reply with quote
Personally, this whole Americanization of anime really does not do credit to the original work. The designs are too goofy and unstylized that it barely feels like Astro Boy. This thing needs to look anime to be true to the original source, pixar should not be making this.
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Egan Loo

Joined: 25 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:58 am Reply with quote
darksharingan wrote:
This thing needs to look anime to be true to the original source, pixar should not be making this.

Imagi, a studio based in Hong Kong and California, is making this month's Astro Boy film, not Pixar.
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Joined: 29 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 12:33 pm Reply with quote
darksharingan wrote:
Personally, this whole Americanization of anime really does not do credit to the original work. The designs are too goofy and unstylized that it barely feels like Astro Boy. This thing needs to look anime to be true to the original source, pixar should not be making this.

Because Astro Boy was very Japanese styled? Get real, I doesn't seem to look MUCH different, just has a little more of a American feel to it. You are apparently just one of those haters searching for a reason not to like it...

Egan Loo wrote:
darksharingan wrote:
This thing needs to look anime to be true to the original source, pixar should not be making this.

Imagi, a studio based in Hong Kong and California, is making this month's Astro Boy film, not Pixar.

While animated in Hong Kong, the Director is from the UK. While he is from the UK though, he has mostly worked for American animation studios, making his style very similar to most American animated features.
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Joined: 11 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:42 pm Reply with quote
Frankly, the original Astro Boy used many of the gags common to American cartoons of its time. It, too, was a bit 'goofy'; but that is partly why some people still like it.

All things evolve. As long as the central character of Astro remains true to the original, it should be okay. From what is shown in the trailer, it wasn't too bad.
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Ryo Hazuki

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 3:55 pm Reply with quote
l33tmeatwad wrote:
darksharingan wrote:
Personally, this whole Americanization of anime really does not do credit to the original work. The designs are too goofy and unstylized that it barely feels like Astro Boy. This thing needs to look anime to be true to the original source, pixar should not be making this.

Because Astro Boy was very Japanese styled? Get real, I doesn't seem to look MUCH different, just has a little more of a American feel to it. You are apparently just one of those haters searching for a reason not to like it...

Funny thing that creator of Ren & Stimpy John Kricfalusi, who isn't an anime fan in the first place is a harsher critic than some people here:

What Are The 2 Most Prominent Features Of Anime characters?
So of course, if you want to make a modern adaptation of them, you have to tone them way down. This is the theory of all remakes: take out everything that made the original popular in the first place.

I saw the trailer for this the other day before the Meatballs movie and man...like, I'm not a big Anime fan to begin with, but I would go see an Astro Boy movie if it was like the Tezuka cartoons.

Instead, of course they have taken the original Anime cartoon and turned it totally into a Cal Arts character. He acts, moves and makes expressions like every other character in a modern animated American feature. I bet there's even fake pathos and all the last stuff you'd ever want to see in an Astro Boy movie.


I personally am much more displeased to what they did to Dr. Tenma, Hamegg and Prof. Ochanomizu.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:38 pm Reply with quote
Ryo: I've met John K., and he's never told me he's not an anime fan. People have accused him of hating Pixar, but he praised Finding Nemo @ that "tribute" in L.A. I think he hates contemporary American animation which is similar to that cartoon dog episode on The Simpsons, but that's about it. [Though he's done his fair bad-mouthing of Hanna Barbera stuff he's worked on in the past, as anyone who's seen that BooBoo Gone Wild thing can attest. Best work of his ever, btw. ] Anyway, gettin' back to the topic @ hand, he actually did say he liked AB @ that tribute.

As for the IMAGI version, well, if it sucks, I can blame Makoto-san, since he was a consultant on it. And maybe it's part of the "kid curse" plaguin' the industry. [See Kenta Fukasaku and Goro Miyazaki. Rolling Eyes Though Makoto-san actually seems more invested in his dad's work, and isn't just trying to be Tezuka II. ] But so far, it feels more in line with what I'd expect from Astro Boy than the Wachowski thing felt like Speed Racer. They clearly updated it to be more "urban" in tone, but the essence of the story seems to be there.

What I don't get is why IMAGI isn't trying to release the flick in 3-d.
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Joined: 15 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 2:52 am Reply with quote
Seeing Hamegg portrayed in that way is a nice change. He was a real a**hole in Jungle Emperor Leo.

Yeah, the film is Americanized but so was the English version (1960's) that parents and grandparents are used to seeiing imo. Astro was making smart remarks back then too imo.

And confusing Imagi with Pixar is a compliment imo.
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Ryo Hazuki

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 3:03 am Reply with quote
hikaru004 wrote:
Seeing Hamegg portrayed in that way is a nice change. He was a real a**hole in Jungle Emperor Leo.

What I meant is that I didn't like their new look, since I really can't comment on the content but on the other hand Hamegg has always been a slimy bastard and I don't see any reason to change that.

hikaru004 wrote:
Yeah, the film is Americanized but so was the English version (1960's) that parents and grandparents are used to seeiing imo. Astro was making smart remarks back then too imo.

Americanizing dialog is different than Americanizing the looks. And now you will say it already looked American and then I will ask, then why change the designs if it already looks western? If they wanted to make characters look more realistic they could have used Naoki Urasawa's versions of the characters. They could look good in 3D.
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