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Kagaku Manga Survival TV Anime Reveals Staff, October Premiere

posted on by Rafael Antonio Pineda
Masahiro Hosoda directs educational entertainment anime at Gallop

The official website for the television anime of the Kagaku Manga Survival (Science Manga Survival) study manga series revealed a new visual and staff for the anime, as well as its October premiere on the NHK Educational channel.

Image via Comic Natalie

Masahiro Hosoda (Heroes ~Legend of Battle Disks~, Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods) is directing the anime at Gallop. Isao Murayama (Toriko, Mahō Tsukai Precure!, Star Twinkle Precure) is in charge of series scripts. Gil Bo Noh (Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal, Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V episode animation director) is designing the characters. Kei Yoshikawa is composing the music. NHK, Toei Animation, and NHK Enterprise are presenting the project.

The all-color manga and study book series launched in 2008. Asahi Shimbun has published 85 volumes for the series as of January 19. The series originated in South Korea by Gomdori Co. and illustrator Hyun-Dong Han. The series follows children in various adventurous situations while weaving information about science into the story.

The books have over 14 million copies in circulation in Japan, and over 35 million worldwide.

No Starch Press has released some of the series in English under the title Survive! Inside the Human Body.

Toei Animation produced a 100-second animated video for the manga in March 2019. At the time, Mainichi Shimbun's Mantan Web website listed that the video was a pilot movie.

Toei produced an anime film adaptation of the manga titled Survive! Inside the Human Body (Jintai no Survival), which screened alongside the Ganbareiwa!! Robocon film in Japan starting in July 2020. A second film titled Shinkai no Survival! (Survive! In the Deep Sea) opened in Japan in August 2021.

Sources: Kagaku Manga Survival anime's website, Comic Natalie

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