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Female Singing Unit ClariS Restarts Activities With 2 New Members

posted on by Crystalyn Hodgkins
Member Karen had left duo in November

The official website for the female singing unit ClariS announced on Saturday that the unit has added two new members: ELLY and Anna. The new trio appeared at the "LisAni! LIVE 2025" event on Saturday.

Drawing of ClariS' 3 members
From left to right: Anna, Clara, Elly
Image via ClariS' X/Twitter account

The group's self-cover song "Colorful -season 03-" will release on streaming services on February 24. The group's X/Twitter account is previewing the song.

One half of the previous duo, Karen, graduated from the unit at the end of the "ClariS Autumn Tour 2024 ~Via Fortuna~" concerts on November 10. Karen explained she was leaving the unit to eventually realize another dream, namely to get married and raise a family.

The other member of the duo, Clara, stated in September she will keep singing as she did before, and asked fans for their continued support of ClariS.

Karen joined founding member Clara in the unit in November 2014, after another founding member, Alice, left five months earlier.

Clara and Alice debuted as ClariS in 2010. Before and after the lineup change, the unit has performed theme songs for popular anime, including Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Oreimo, Nisekoi, and Eromanga Sensei.

The unit had a reputation for keeping the members' identities secret for years, but gradually dropped their masks (figuratively and literally). This culminated with their first music video without masks in 2022.

Sources: ClariS' website, Oricon News via Ota-Suke

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