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Episode 4

by Caitlin Moore,

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Community score: 4.0


If “DESTINY” made me nervous about the future of ZENSHU, “ETERNITY” filled me with hope. While I wish this arc had two episodes to allow the story some breathing room, it settles in with the exact kind of thematically consistent imagery and story developments I've been hoping to see. In the space of 23 minutes, it continues to develop its ideas, points in the direction of Natsuko's story arc, and drops significant foreshadowing for what's to come.

Memmeln is tired. As an elf, she's lived a long time, watching countless friends and comrades die before her eyes. Nobody knows how long an elf's lifespan is – they might even be immortal. What's a girl to do? To Memmeln, the solution is to start a death cult to hasten the appearance of the Ultimate Void, eventually taking on its form, and getting murdered by your friend! Not the solution I'd go for personally, but hey, I'm just one person.

Natsuko and Luke agree that this is not a viable solution and resolve to figure out how to help Memmeln rediscover her will to live. In the original Tale of Perishing, Natsuko recalls how Luke killed the Ultimate Void only for it to turn into Memmeln, but the movie never explained why. That fits well with the nature of a lot of '80's and '90's OVAs and movies – a short runtime means a lot of story details end up elided, leaving the audience to scratch their heads and wonder what just happened. Arion, I'm looking at you.

Since Tale of Perishing was an original story, there was no manga to look over for an explanation. But even if the reason for this plot twist was left on the cutting room floor, this is now a world populated with living, breathing people, and every choice they make has a motivation. I have little doubt that the original director intended this as the explanation, but there was no time to show it on screen. The whole episode is a sharply pointed statement at how what viewers get to see is often the tip of the iceberg of the creator's imagination, as Natsuko encounters places and people that she'd never imagined in all the times she'd watched the movie.

With the stroke of a pen, Natsuko resolves Memmeln's ennui by summoning an idol boy named… *sigh* Ultimate Exister, voiced by the man, the myth, the legend, Mamoru Miyano. While Exister is himself a reference to Uta no Prince Sama, he and Memmeln sing and dance a Beauty and the Beast inspired duet about how their encounter has made life, for all its trials and pain, worthwhile. By the time Exister disappears, Memmeln has a fresh outlook on life, because she can spend eternity thinking about and fangirling over Exister.

It's silly, and I'm sure plenty of people sighed and rolled their eyes at it, but let's take a second to unpack all the things going on here. For one thing, the twist forced Natsuko to think outside the paradigm of action-packed classics that she grew up watching. Using violence as a solution would fail to address the source of the issue and lead to the exact thing they were trying to circumvent: Memmeln's death. She must find something life-affirming instead of life-ending, and violence is a much easier solution than kindness. While it's a touch goofy that having an oshi gave Memmeln a renewed sense of purpose, it's well-documented that finding one little thing to hold onto has saved countless lives. When you're floating in an ocean of depression, waiting for the next episode of your favorite show or wanting to see your favorite character can be a life raft worth clinging to.

Side note: Series translator Michelle Tymon always does an incredible job, but big ups to whoever styled the subtitles this week. They were the perfect little flourish for the dance sequence.

Another shift is that the show that Exister is from, Uta Men, is not something Natsuko grew up watching but one of the first projects she worked on as an animator. She reflects on how her drawings will outlive her, affecting people long after she's gone. Mitsue Yamazaki did storyboards for Uta no Prince Sama; could this be a meditation on her own career? Still, it's best not to make assumptions about artistic intent, but it's almost certainly a deliberate reference. Either way, it makes me wonder whether this is a deliberate progression: first Natsuko reconnected to some of the legendary works that showed what animation is capable of and made her fall in love with the medium. Now she's pulling from her own body of work, causing her to think about the impact she has had. What will come next? Will she draw the Sukeban Deka/Sailor Moon cross that featured in her first full series? Natsuko reflecting on her relationship with animation is exactly what I wanted from this show, and a third of the way in, I suspect that's what we're getting.

In the final minutes of the episode, the freaky bird from the opening theme shows up, wearing a stopwatch around its neck. Hey, have you noticed that it has the same hairstyle and bug eyes as the creator of Tale of Perishing, who died of food poisoning in the first episode?


ZENSHU. is currently streaming on Crunchyroll on Sundays.

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