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Answerman - What are "Gyaru," and Why are They Popular in Anime Again?

by Jerome Mazandarani,

Answerman by Jerome Mazandarani header
Image by Otacat

The internet asks:

What are "gyaru," and why are they popular in anime again?

I love talking about Japanese subcultures, and I love assessing their impact on broader global pop culture at home and overseas. I hadn't thought much about gyaru since my first encounter with a couple of “gyaru girls” back in Shibuya in 2007. It was during one of my first official work trips to Japan on behalf of Manga Entertainment. I was standing outside Shibuya 109 (渋谷109), which I later learned is THE retail destination for gyaru shoppers since it started making waves in the mid-1990s.

I was crossing the street near the famous Shibuya Crossing and I saw two youngish-looking Japanese women with bleached blonde hair, darkly tanned (I am assuming they were slathered in fake tan), and wearing lots of theatrical makeup including big, fake eyelashes. I had not seen Japanese women dressed like this before. They stood out from the fairly staid-looking salary-women and smart-casual Mari Kondō look-alikes like a sore thumb. I couldn't take my eyes off them.

I wish I had gone over to say hello to them, but I was shy then. So! I have no idea what they were like personally, but my goodness. Their style was brash and loud, unique. It's rare to meet Japanese people who act like they don't give a damn what people think of them. These ladies wore matching red and white gingham button-down blouses and very short denim skirts. They both had matching loose, “slouch” socks on (which look a bit like leg-warmers) and chunky leather sandals that added at least another couple of inches to each diminutive lady's stature.

I learned later while enjoying an evening kampai session with some of my international anime contacts that these women were known locally as “gyaru girls.” I was told that “gyaru are bad girls,” so being the ignorant barbarian gaijin chancer I am, it wasn't until I received this ace question that I learned that “gyaru” (ギャル) means “gal” in Japanese slang. It is a transliteration of the English word “gal,” and the “bad girl” part is just an opinion, which may have been indicative of how gyaru were perceived by mainstream Japanese society. While gyaru culture is distinctly Japanese, the perception of young women who dare to step outside of the norms society has placed upon them is a distinctly universal experience for women and girls.

The gyaru subculture originated in Shibuya, Tokyo in the 1990s as a reaction to the "good girl" standards expected of Japanese women at the time. Gyaru are known for being: Cheerful, Loud, Strong, Outgoing, and Protective of friends. Wikipedia

You may have noticed plenty of gyaru girls and women appearing in recent anime like Marin Kitagawa, who loves cosplay and pursuing nerdy hobbies in My Dress-Up Darling (2022), Kaede Hozuki from ONIMAI: I'm Now Your Sister! (2023), and Asobe Asabasi, who really stands out visually as a full-blown yamanba gyaru in Lord of Pastimers (2018). “Yamanda gyaru” could be considered a more extreme subcategory of gyaru style where the participants "aim to be as deliberately unattractive as possible.”

The depiction of gyaru characters in anime and manga doesn't seem to have kicked off in a big way until the 2010s, which I find interesting because it is almost a decade after peak gyaru as a subculture. There isn't very much representation of gyaru in pop media before this time. There was a dedicated gyaru manga called GALS!, which was created by Mihona Fuji and published in Ribon Magazine between 1998-2002, which was adapted into an anime series called Super GALS Kotobuki Ran. This shoujou series was produced by TV Tokyo and ran for 52 episodes between 2001-2002.

Perhaps the most prominent gyaru anime star of the moment is Momo Ayase, one of the protagonists of 2024's best new anime series, DAN DA DAN. Momo is bold, determined, intelligent, and brave. I love how she often dives headfirst into danger to rescue Okarun time and again. While we are on the subject, don't you find Ayase and Ken's fledgling romance to be the sweetest thing, and one of the most enjoyable “Will they? Won't they?” relationship arcs of the 2024 season?

Momo Ayase is a gyaru archetype. She is both vulnerable and headstrong, and sometimes too brave for her own good. Despite the setbacks of her early years; being orphaned as a young child and raised by a distracted grandparent, and being in what looks like an abusive relationship with her former boyfriend. None of these things prevent her from sticking up for herself or her new BFF. Even if it can oftentimes lead to humiliation. Episode 9 is a clear case in point. The dreaded “Going to high school naked” nightmare. Who hasn't had that weird dream before?

Will gyaru continue to enjoy a resurgence thanks to anime? A quick Google search will find hundreds of pages dedicated to obtaining the 2020's updated gyaru look from make-up and skincare to clothes and footwear. There's gyaru art, gyaru pop, and gyaru shops. Perhaps DAN DA DAN's popularity will do for gyaru what it seems to have done for Chronophilia. You'll have to Google that term kids! ;D

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