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Sheffield Loves Anime Festival Begins on Friday

posted on by Andrew Osmond
Screenings from Friday November 19 to Sunday November 21, including Summer Ghost, The Deer King, Pompo: The Cinéphile, Looking for Magical DoReMi, Maquia, dub of Cyber City Oedo 808

Tickets are still available for the Sheffield Loves Anime festival, which runs at the Showroom cinema from Friday November 19 to Sunday November 21. All films are subtitled unless otherwise indicated.

Friday November 19

6 p.m. - A Silent Voice

8.40 p.m. - Cyber City Oedo 808 (English dub)

Saturday November 20

3.30 p.m. - Looking for Magical DoReMi

6 p.m. - Over The Sky (pictured right), including a recorded Q&A with the director Yoshinobu Sena

8.40 p.m. - Summer Ghost

Sunday November 21

12.30 p.m. - Maquia

3 p.m. - The Deer King, including a recorded Q&A with the co-director Masashi Andō

6.15 p.m. Pompo: The Cinéphile (pictured left)

On Saturday December 4 to Sunday December 5, several venues will be showing the following four films: Looking for Magical DoReMi, Pompo: The Cinéphile, Summer Ghost (with "Making of" feature), Over The Sky. At present, the following venues are due to screen these films, with tickets available to book here - note that while the linked page gives particular dates and times, these vary between the venues.

Brighton Komedia; Arts Picturehouse (Cambridge); Picturehouse Central (London); Finsbury Park Picturehouse; Greenwich Picturehouse; Hackney Picturehouse; FACT Picturehouse (Liverpool), Cinema City (Norwich); City Screen Picturehouse (York)

The films will also be showing at Showcase Cinema venues on the same dates, details TBC.

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