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Comic Market 104 Draws 260,000 Attendees Across 2 Days

posted on by Joanna Cayanan
Event gets 10,000 less attendees than Comiket 103 in December 2023

Image via Comiket'sTwitter account
The Comic Market (Comiket) 104 event in Tokyo drew about 260,000 people across Sunday and Monday. The event drew about 130,000 people in each of its two days. According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, Tokyo's maximum temperature exceeded 35 degrees Celsius (95 Fahrenheit) on Sunday and Monday.

Comiket 103 in December last year drew about 270,000 people across two days. The event had about 140,000 attendees on its first day and 130,000 on its second day.

Comiket 102 lifted admission restrictions (other than the Tokyo Big Sight venue's existing capacity limits) in August 2023.

The organizers limited the number of attendees due to COVID-19 restrictions in 2021 and 2022. The Comiket 99 event in December 2021 drew about 110,000 people across two days, Comiket 100 in August 2022 drew about 170,000 people across two days, with the number of attendees limited to about 85,000 per day. Comiket 101 in December 2022 drew about 180,000 people across two days, with the number of attendees limited to about 90,000 per day.

Comiket 97, the last Comiket before the pandemic, attracted 750,000 attendees across four days, breaking an all-time attendance record (Comiket does not have unique passes for visitors, so a person who attends all four days would be counted four times). Each day drew between 180,000 and 190,000 attendees.

The one-day attendance record for the event is 210,000.

Comic Market 105 is slated for December 29-30 at the Tokyo Big Sight venue.

Sources: Comic Market's X/Twitter account, Mainichi Shimbun's Mantan Web

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