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GameStart Asia Hosts NieR: Automata Director Yoko Taro, Producer Yōsuke Saitō

posted on by Rafael Antonio Pineda
Event takes place in Singapore on October 14-15

Singaporean gaming convention GameStart Asia announced on Tuesday that NieR game series creator Yokō Tarō and Square Enix producer Yōsuke Saitō are attending the event.

Yokō Tarō is best known for his Drakengard and NieR series of games. The first Drakengard (Drag-on Dragoon) game debuted on the PlayStation 2 in 2003, followed by a sequel in 2005. The third game, Drakengard 3, debuted for the PlayStation 3 in 2013. The first NieR game debuted on the PS3 and Xbox 360 in 2010. The most recent installment, NieR:Automata, shipped for the PS4 in Japan on February 23, followed by North America on March 7 and Europe on March 10. Square Enix also released the game on PC via Steam on March 17. As of May, the game had sold 1.5 million copies worldwide.

Yōsuke Saitō served as the producer on NieR:Automata, and it was he who brought on Taro for the design of the game, and the person responsible for forging the collaboration with developer Platinum Games.

The event will take place at the Suntec Convention Center in Singapore on October 14 and 15.

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