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Hiromi Morishita, Syohei's Seishōnen Ashibe Manga Ends (Updated)

posted on by Joanna Cayanan
Sequel of Morishita's Shōnen Ashibe manga launched in 2017

Image via Amazon
Futabasha's Web Action manga website published the final chapter of Hiromi Morishita and Syohei's Seishōnen Ashibe manga on Friday. Update: The manga's ninth and final volume will ship on February 27, 2025.

The manga is a sequel of Morishita's original Shōnen Ashibe manga. Seishōnen Ashibe follows the original manga's characters Ashibe and Sugao as first-year high school students. In the original series, they are in their second year of elementary school.

The manga launched in Futabasha's Monthly Action magazine in 2017, then moved to Web Action website after the magazine ended publication last February. The manga's ninth compiled book volume will ship in Japan on February 27.

Morishita serialized the original manga in Shueisha's Weekly Young Jump magazine from 1988 to 1994. The story follows the daily life of the baby of the baby spotted seal Goma-chan and its owner, schoolboy Ashibe Ashiya. The series spawned an earlier manga sequel titled ComaGoma in Weekly Young Jump from 2000 to 2004.

The manga inspired a 1991 television anime series and a second 1992-1993 television anime series. A new anime adaptation of the manga titled Shōnen Ashibe GO! GO! Goma-chan premiered in 2016, and its second season premiered in 2017. The new anime in turn inspired a manga adaptation from Morishita and Junko Ogino. Crunchyroll streamed the new anime and released the manga adaptation online.

Sources: Web Action, Hiromi Morishita's X/Twitter account

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