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Marvelous Replaces Suminobu Sato with Shinichi Terui as CEO on April 1

posted on by Rafael Antonio Pineda
2 board directors volunteer for 10% pay cut for 2 months

Marvelous company logo
Image via Marvelous website
Marvelous, Inc. announced on January 31 that the company's president and CEO Suminobu Satō will step down from his positions on March 31, with board director and executive Shinichi Terui replacing him on April 1. The company's executive board made the decision due to the company's "poor business performance in recent years." Satō will remain in the company as a board director and executive.

In addition, two of the company's board directors volunteered to receive a two-month pay reduction of 10% from February to March, though the announcement did not name these executives.

Prior to joining Marvelous in 2014, Terui has previously worked at Sega and Atlus.

Marvelous, Inc. previously revealed organizational changes for its XSEED Games subsidiary in August 2024. It retains the XSEED Games brand for its Western releases of third-party titles, with in-house Western releases of the company's titles now falling under the now-renamed Marvelous USA company.

Marvelous recently launched the Farmagia game in November 2024. The game is inspiring a currently-airing television anime adaptation that premiered on January 10.

Marvelous is developing both Rune Factory: Guardians of Azuma and Rune Factory 6 as new games in its Rune Factory RPG/farming game franchise. Marvelous is launching Rune Factory: Guardians of Azuma on May 30 in both Japan and the West.

Source: Marvelous via Siliconera

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