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Pop Team Epic Creator Draws JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's Jolyne

posted on by Ken Iikura-Gross
Author also drew Asuka Kazama from Tekken 8, Lin from Spirited Away

Pop Team Epic creator Bkub Okawa shared fan art of Jolyne “JoJo” Cujoh, the titular character of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean, on his X (formerly Twitter) account on December 3. The illustration is in the Pop Team Epic author's super-deformed art style and features Jolyne in what appears to be an original JoJo pose.

Image via Bkub Okawa's X/Twitter account

Okawa also shared fan art of Tekken 8's Asuka Kazama and Spirited Away's Lin.

As of press time, Okawa received over 80,000 likes and over 8,000 reposts for all three posts combined. Check out his account for more random fan art of Medabots, Mai Shiranui, Sonic the Hedgehog's Tails, Sailor Mars, and who knows what else he'll conjure.

Okawa previously released fan art of The Boy and the Heron in 2023, Uma Musume in 2022, Bumblebee from the Transformers franchise in 2019, among others. Okawa is best known for Pop Team Epic, which went on an extended hiatus in October 2023.

Sources: Bkub Okawa's X/Twitter account (link 2, link 3) via Nijimen

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