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INTEREST: Man Withdraws Allegations Against Evangelion Voice Actor Daman Mills

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Cardcaptor Takato

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 7:32 pm Reply with quote
DollLifeDan wrote:
Operation silence victim was a success. Funimation/Crunchyroll will not punish him in anyway nor will they let him go like people have been saying they will. The English dubbing industry is sadly very filthy like this. One of the many reasons I refuse to watch or support dubs.
You're making a lot of broad assumptions about people who work in dubbed anime and making this all about your personal bias against dubs shows you're not that serious about supporting the victim and are just using this as part of your personal vendetta against dubs.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 8:18 pm Reply with quote
As someone who has seen the Cease and Desist sent by Daman's attorney, I am alarmed and dismayed to see misinformation willfully shared by your outlet not once, but twice in your articles.

The Cease and Desist letter sent to the accuser never called for or required a retraction. It demands simply that the accuser Cease and Desist from making future defamatory statements. Perhaps your reporter, Lynzee, who received a copy of the letter, should review it, and reacquaint herself with the importance of accurately depicting primary sources.

I can only assume the article included this misinformation, and retained its general framing, in an effort to imply legal pressure was applied to the accuser. In reality, the terms of the initial Cease and Desist were met, and Daman's counsel has not reached out again since the deadline's passing, nor initiated or threatened any further legal action.

I hope you will do the right thing, and correct the harmful and false information and narrative your negligence and lack of accuracy has propagated. You should be ashamed.
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Top Gun

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 8:32 pm Reply with quote
Ming Yi wrote:
You do realize the Japanese voice acting industry can be just as scummy? I remember there were some tweets a while back from a Japanese voice actress (she deleted them) that some of the female voice actresses had an unspoken rule to watch out for each other. Then there's also Hiroko Konishi, who claimed that her manager forced her to take a bath (in the hot springs) with Akitaro Daichi.

Yeah, anyone who thinks that this sort of thing isn't every bit as common in the Japanese entertainment industry is just deluding themselves. It's hard enough for victims to feel secure enough to come forward in general, but I have to think that Japanese cultural norms make it all the harder over there.

Have to say that the timing of this retraction feels all the more damning against Mills. I don't buy for a second that there wasn't real substance to it, and I hope that Duncan finds whatever help he needs.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 8:37 pm Reply with quote
I just saw some screenshots on Twitter of Daman saying racist stuff but considering the source of the picture is Kiwi, there’s a good chance that they are fake. This could hurt the victim a lot because it might imply his own screenshots are fake.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 9:01 pm Reply with quote
crazieanimefan1 wrote:
InuNaruPokeAlchemist wrote:
I wish I knew what to think, aside from the fact I have been trying to undo liking certain voice actors. As I was a Vic fan until the accusations about him were made public. In the two times I met Daman Mills he was nothing but kind to me. It just really sucks that every time I end up liking a character (ex. Kagari in Psycho-Pass) the VA ends up being a creep. Atleast in the case of Freeman spoiler[Should they ever dub the Psycho-Pass Sinners of the System films, we'd have a new voice for Kagari for flashbacks, since he's kinda dead.]

But at the end of the day. I really need to learn to separate the art from the artist.

I think I'm in your boat as well. Yet I'm slow to the catch at times. I met Vic, thought he was the nicest person, yet I no longer support him as I understand what being a female victim is like and I support them none than I do a manipulator.

KitKat1721 wrote:

I haven't actually met either of the two, but I just wanted to say I get it. I think it's really easy for people who never watch dubs or are vocal about hating them to be all gung-ho and vocal about these situations not only because they know its the right thing to do, but because it's so easy and has no effect on the media they watch.

Honestly, I was expecting to go into this thread with no one understanding my take. I appreciate you both. When it came to Vic it felt like a betrayal since I had seen him once a year at a convention for like 10 years. I am primarily a dub watcher, so thankful we live in the age of simul-dubs now, so English VA news hits me harder than the seiyuu side of things.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 9:08 pm Reply with quote
lol You're welcome.

I'm also a dub watcher, yet I watch sub if need to be, say if there's not going to be a dub and they got the English subs. I used to watch FMA or Ouran or Vampire Knight, yet honestly...I can't bring myself to anymore, that's how much it got me. I'm glad though that anime has a lot more to offer so I can watch something else for now.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 9:16 pm Reply with quote
I guess the best us anime fans can do is to start peacefully boycotting Daman Mills.

1.) Watch the original Japanese subtitled anime & not his dubbed work.
2.) Don't attend his panels.
3.) Don't go to his autograph booths.
4.) Unfollow/block/mute his social media pages.
5.) Don't watch his livestreams.
6.) If he is a guest at any anime convention, don't go.
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Meowtain Duwu

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 9:23 pm Reply with quote
Waterstarlight wrote:
I just saw some screenshots on Twitter of Daman saying racist stuff but considering the source of the picture is Kiwi, there’s a good chance that they are fake. This could hurt the victim a lot because it might imply his own screenshots are fake.

I have a feeling that a lot of people will disagree with what I’m about to say, but I honestly don’t care. I’m still going to say this anyway because it’ll help clear up some misconceptions.

I get why people have a negative view of Kiwi Farms. Its userbase is largely comprised of socially-maladapted, lowlife guys who most likely used to frequently browse 4chan back in the day. It’s a very politically incorrect place as well, which definitely doesn’t help its reputation. Oh, and the current owner of the forum is also (allegedly) a child predator, so that’s just peachy.

However, the information shared and spread on the site is most definitely real. Because it’s such a fringe site, a lot of people are tempted to dismiss things that have come out from it.

Also, news flash: Kiwi Farms isn’t the only garbage fire of a social platform! We all know how much of a mess Twitter is at this point for instance. I know that a lot of doxing goes on in Kiwi Farms, but seriously, is there anything that the users from there do that isn’t also done somewhere else? Going back to my example of Twitter, people dox each other on there all the time.

Basically, what I’m saying is that the Kiwi Farms community is made up of a lot of shitty, terrible people, but they embrace that label (which kind of harkens back to the 4chan stuff). A lot of other social platforms out there have people that do the exact same thing but think that they’re actually the good guys. I’m not defending this dumpster fire of a forum known as Kiwi Farms; all I’m saying is that they’re not too dissimilar from other platforms aside from the users on it.

Yes, this means that sometimes there will be facts about people that will come from an unlikely or even infamous source. I personally wouldn’t be shocked if Daman Mills really did say racist things on Twitter; I don’t know how many people have already been exposed for doing the same exact thing. Being a likely predator also doesn’t help his case here.

Okay, this was a lot more than what I was planning to say here, but I hope this all makes sense to all who are reading it. Again, Kiwi Farms users are huge dickwads, but that doesn’t mean that all of what they say should be instantly dismissed (the politically-incorrect stuff they say a lot though absolutely should, without question).
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 10:06 pm Reply with quote
Well, if you say so, I’m willing to believe it they are real then.
On different subject, I’ve been thinking about why the victim would withdraw the accusation, when I realized something. I noticed from the start that the victim seemed very hesitant to come forward. Not out of fear, but because they didn’t want attention. As I read what the victim wrote, I noticed that they didn’t want attention. At all. So maybe, after seeing what happened to Vic, he withdrew because to deal with the stress of it all. Yes, he would get an overwhelming amount of support people, but that might also been a bad thing. He might he felt suffocated by being surrounded by a bunch of strangers that say they’ll support him. I read once that saying “you’re so strong” or “you’re so brave” to a victim of abuse can do more harm than good, because that puts a lot of pressure on the victim.They like they are forced to be “strong”. They’ll start fearing failure. Hearing praise from a bunch of strangers can be really suffocating and uncomfortable.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 10:19 pm Reply with quote
Ryuji-Dono wrote:
DollLifeDan wrote:
Operation silence victim was a success. Funimation/Crunchyroll will not punish him in anyway nor will they let him go like people have been saying they will. The English dubbing industry is sadly very filthy like this. One of the many reasons I refuse to watch or support dubs.

Ahem, Vic Mignogna, Illich Guardiola, Scott Freeman got the boot, and this won't be any different. Not to pin on everything on the likes of him.

And unfortunately sex pests like Chris Niosi and Orion Acaba have wormed their way back in. Illich retired, what Scott did was heinous beyond belief, and Vic torpedoed any chance of returning with his lawsuit. If Daman just lies low, I think he'll be able to get roles again in a couple years. And that thought disgusts me.
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ANN Executive Editor

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 10:21 pm Reply with quote
935449 wrote:
As someone who has seen the Cease and Desist sent by Daman's attorney, I am alarmed and dismayed to see misinformation willfully shared by your outlet not once, but twice in your articles.

The Cease and Desist letter sent to the accuser never called for or required a retraction. It demands simply that the accuser Cease and Desist from making future defamatory statements. Perhaps your reporter, Lynzee, who received a copy of the letter, should review it, and reacquaint herself with the importance of accurately depicting primary sources.

I can only assume the article included this misinformation, and retained its general framing, in an effort to imply legal pressure was applied to the accuser. In reality, the terms of the initial Cease and Desist were met, and Daman's counsel has not reached out again since the deadline's passing, nor initiated or threatened any further legal action.

I hope you will do the right thing, and correct the harmful and false information and narrative your negligence and lack of accuracy has propagated. You should be ashamed.

With all due respect, it said, in a separate sentence, that Mills requested the retraction. The article did not say that the request was made in the Cease and Desist letter. Regardless, I've made the following edit for clarity: "In a separate communication with Duncan, Mills asked that the allegations be retracted before he would consider granting an extension to respond to the cease & desist."

Please consider offering people a little more grace.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 10:24 pm Reply with quote
935449 wrote:
The Cease and Desist letter sent to the accuser never called for or required a retraction. It demands simply that the accuser Cease and Desist from making future defamatory statements.

Having confered with Lynzee, they're is an inaccuracy in the article and it will be fixed promptly. It is not however as you suggest.

Mills, through his legal team issued gave "Duncan" an extension to comply with the C&D under the conduction that Duncan retract his statements to ANN. Originally this was too be a part of the article, but it was oversimplified in the final draft.

You should be ashamed.
Sorry, nope. We regret and apologize for the error, but since it wasn't significantly misleading, we are not "ashamed" in the way you are trying to imply wet should be.


Christopher Macdonald

Last edited by Tempest on Mon Mar 14, 2022 10:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Meowtain Duwu

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 10:26 pm Reply with quote
Waterstarlight wrote:
Well, if you say so, I’m willing to believe it they are real then.
On different subject, I’ve been thinking about why the victim would withdraw the accusation, when I realized something. I noticed from the start that the victim seemed very hesitant to come forward. Not out of fear, but because they didn’t want attention. As I read what the victim wrote, I noticed that they didn’t want attention. At all. So maybe, after seeing what happened to Vic, he withdrew because to deal with the stress of it all. Yes, he would get an overwhelming amount of support people, but that might also been a bad thing. He might he felt suffocated by being surrounded by a bunch of strangers that say they’ll support him. I read once that saying “you’re so strong” or “you’re so brave” to a victim of abuse can do more harm than good, because that puts a lot of pressure on the victim.They like they are forced to be “strong”. They’ll start fearing failure. Hearing praise from a bunch of strangers can be really suffocating and uncomfortable.

I can see that being a possibility as well. Some victims just want to get their story out there and that’s that. Sometimes having a bunch of praise all at once isn’t a good thing; like you said, it puts a lot of pressure on the person receiving said praise, especially in a situation like this.

I can only hope that Duncan will get some closure from all this soon. My heart aches for him for what Daman has done to him.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 10:32 pm Reply with quote
Kadmos1 wrote:
So, either we have a false allegation and the claimant is basically admitting fault or withdrawing from real claims because of possible threats against the claimant. Either way, it sadly further puts frustration on this case.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 10:40 pm Reply with quote
InuNaruPokeAlchemist wrote:
In the two times I met Daman Mills he was nothing but kind to me. It just really sucks that every time I end up liking a character (ex. Kagari in Psycho-Pass) the VA ends up being a creep.

Good people do bad things. Bad people do good things (and can be very kind).

Truly understanding that makes it much easier to handle when it happens to be someone you thought positively of in the past.

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