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No Guns Life's Tasuku Karasuma Launches New Manga

posted on by Anita Tai
Gilded Seven begins serialization on October 25

The November issue of Coamix's Monthly Comic Zenon magazine revealed on Wednesday that No Guns Life manga creator Tasuku Karasuma will launch a new time-travel survival series Gilded Seven in the December issue of the magazine on October 25. Karasuma posted an image of the manga from the November issue on X/Twitter.

The series follows Keigo Westwood, a member of the American special police forces. While undergoing an operation against the large-scale criminal organization La Llorona, he gets trapped in a volcano's eruption and finds himself transported to 19th century America. Karasuma stated the manga will take place in the American Wild West.

Karasuma and Kouhei Kadono's JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken: Crazy D no Akuryōteki Shitsuren (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Shining Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak) spinoff manga launched in Shueisha's Ultra Jump magazine in December 2021, and ended in June 2023. Viz Media is releasing the manga in English.

Karasuma launched the No Guns Life manga in August 2014 after first publishing the story as a one-shot manga. The manga ended in September 2021. Viz Media is releasing the manga in English.

The manga inspired a television anime, the first half of which premiered in October 2019. Funimation streamed the series as it aired in Japan. The show's second half was initially scheduled to premiere in April 2020, but was delayed due to the pandemic. The anime was rescheduled to July 2020. The show had 24 episodes.

Source: Comic Zenon November issue

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