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Live-Action One Piece Season 2's Luffy Actor Iñaki Godoy Interviews Eiichiro Oda in English-Subbed Video

posted on by Alex Mateo
Iñaki Godoy interviews series creator in Japanese

Netflix streamed a new video for the second live-action season of Eiichiro Oda's One Piece manga on Thursday. In the English-subtitled video, Iñaki Godoy, who stars as Luffy in the live-action series, interviews Oda in Japanese. The two discuss Oda's first time on set, Luffy, and the next season:

The second season adds Joe Tracz (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) as a writer, executive producer, and co-showrunner. He joins the first season's writer, executive producer, and co-showrunner Matt Owens. Season 1 co-showrunner Steve Maeda serves as executive producer. The season has begun production.

Deadline reports an expected 2025 release date. Series creator Oda stated that the second season will cover the story up to the Drum Island arc. This will include Loguetown, Reverse Mountain and Twin Cape, Whiskey Peak, Little Garden, and Drum Island.

Netflix previously announced new cast members for season 2, including:

The live-action One Piece series debuted exclusively on Netflix in August 2023. The first season had eight episodes, as opposed to 10 episodes as originally reported.

Tomorrow Studios, a partnership between producer Marty Adelstein (Prison Break, Teen Wolf) and ITV Studios, produced the first live-action season. Becky Clements served as an executive producer with Maeda.

Source: Still Watching on Netflix's YouTube channel

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