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Monster Hunter Wilds Game Reveals More Monsters in Iceshard Cliffs Trailer

posted on by Anita Tai
Hirabami, Nerscylla, Gore Magala hunts announced

CAPCOM streamed a new trailer for the Monster Hunter Wilds game during the "CAPCOM Spotlight + Monster Hunter Wilds Showcase - February 2025" livestream on Tuesday. The trailer reveals more monsters and the Iceshard Cliffs biome, along with new details for the upcoming second beta test.

English Trailer

Japanese Trailer

The Iceshard Cliffs will include the new monster Hirabami, along with monsters from previous titles such as Nerscylla and Gore Magala.

The second beta test will also allow players to hunt the new flagship monster Arkveld and Gypceros, in addition to previously announced monsters. Players can use the training area in the base camp to try out new weapons. The beta will include online multiplayer with cross-platform multiplayer, private lobbies, and online single-player mode.

The cross-play open beta test will run from February 6 at 10:00 p.m. EST to February 9 at 9:59 p.m. EST, and from February 13 at 10:00 p.m. EST to February 16 at 9:59 p.m. EST for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam. Bonuses for participants include a decorative charm and an item pack.

The staff are actively working on new improvements and adjustments for the full release, which will not be available in the upcoming beta test.

The first cross-play open beta test ran from October 31 to November 3.

The game will debut globally on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam on February 28. Pre-orders for the game are open now.

Players who pre-order the game will receive the Guild Knight Layered Armor Set and the Hope Charm talisman as in-game items. Players who pre-order through the PlayStation store will receive the exclusive Monster Hunter Wilds Digital Mini Artbook.

The Premium Deluxe Edition includes the Deluxe Pack (which contains in-game items and poses), Premium Bonuses of more in-game items, and the Cosmetic DLC Packs. The Cosmetic DLC Pack 1 will launch in spring 2025, and the DLC Pack 2 will launch in summer 2025. The Deluxe Edition of the game will also include the Deluxe Pack.

Players with save data from Monster Hunter World and Monster Hunter World: Iceborne will receive special in-game armor for palicos.

The Monster Hunter game franchise has reached 100 million sales worldwide.

Source: Monster Hunter's YouTube channel, CAPCOM's YouTube channel

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