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'Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove it' Anime Season 2's Trailer Reveals 2022 Airing

posted on by Egan Loo
Season 1 premiered in January 2020

The official YouTube channel for Flex Comix's Comic Meteor and Comic Polaris services posted a trailer for the second television anime season baaed on Alifred Yamamoto's Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove it (Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shōmei Shite Mita) manga on Monday. The trailer revealed that the season will air next year.

The first season premiered in Japan on Amazon Prime Video with all 12 episodes on January 10, 2020. The show also aired on TV in Japan. Crunchyroll streamed the show as it aired and also streamed an English dub.

Tōru Kitahata (Haganai NEXT, Hinako Note) directed the anime at Zero-G, with Kenta Ōnishi as assistant director, and Kouichirou Natsume as chief production supervisor. Rintarou Ikeda (Magical Sempai) supervised the scripts, and wrote them alongside Michiko Yokote (Shirobako, The Magnificent KOTOBUKI). Yūsuke Isouchi (One Piece) was the character designer and chief animation director. hisakuni, Shouichiro Hirata, Kaoru Ōtsuka, Shūhei Takahashi, Takuma Sogi, and Yūko Takahashi all composed the music.

The manga centers on AYAME Himuro and Shinya Yukimura, two scientists who are in love with each other. They want to prove that their love can be scientifically proven, quantified, and expressed factually.

The manga launched on G-mode's Comic Meteor website in 2016. A live-action television series of the manga premiered in September 2018 and aired for four episodes. A live-action film opened in February 2019.

Sources: Comic Meteor/Polaris' YouTube account

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