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Himitsu no Aipri Anime's 2nd Season Premieres in April

posted on by Anita Tai
News revealed at 1st event devoted entirely to anime at Tokyo's Bunkyo Civic Hall

The Himitsu no AiPri (Secret AiPri) television anime revealed during the "Bazillion Live" event on Saturday the second season will premiere in April. The staff also teased the silhouettes of the main cast members in a new teaser trailer. The anime will reveal more information about the new season on February 27.

The first season premiered in April 2024 on TV Tokyo and five of its affiliates. The anime's tie-ins include arcade game machines and toys.

The first season starred Minori Fujidera as Himari, and Sae Hiratsuka as Mizuki. 17-year-old Fujidera won the franchise's 10th-anniversary Next Seiyū Artist Audition in 2021, and made her voice-acting debut as Auru Omega in the previous Pretty Series television anime, Waccha PriMagi!

The Pretty Series began with syn Sophia's Pretty Rhythm: Mini Skirt arcade game in 2010. The game inspired four television anime series, as well as five anime films and the spinoff King of Prism franchise. The sequel game PriPara (Prism Paradise) launched in 2014 and inspired four television anime series and four anime films.

The first anime season of Kiratto Pri☆Chan premiered in Japan in April 2018. The second season then premiered in April 2019. The show's third season premiered in April 2020 and ended in May 2021. Crunchyroll added the anime to its catalog.

The Waccha PriMagi! TV anime premiered on October 3, 2021, and its October 2022 finale marked the end of the franchise's 11 and a half years of uninterrupted television anime broadcast history.

Sources: Aipri's YouTube channel, Comic Natalie

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