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Crunchyroll Streams 3 Golden Kamuy OAVs; Adds The Concierge, Kizumonogatari: Koyomi Vamp Films

posted on by Adriana Hazra
Streaming service also adds SSSS.Dynazenon compilation film

Crunchyroll began streaming three OAVs (original anime videos) for the Golden Kamuy anime series on Friday. The three episodes are titled "The Bodyguard of ​Barato / Terror! ​The Mysterious ​Giant Bird," "Love Made ​Me Escape From ​Prison / The Terrifying Battle of Deadly ​Poison! A Massive Snake ​Deep in the Hokkaido ​Wilderness!" and "Monster."

The streaming service also added The Concierge, the anime film of Tsuchika Nishimura's The Concierge at Hokkyoku Department Store (Hokkyoku Hyakkaten no Concierge-san) manga, on Friday. The film opened in Japan in October 2022. Crunchyroll hosted one-day screenings of the film in North America on on September 11.

The company added the Kizumonogatari: Koyomi Vamp compilation film on Friday. It hosted the film's North American premiere at the Fantasia International Film Festival on July 27 and screened the film for one-day-only in North America, including Mexico, on August 28. The Kizumonogatari anime originally released as three films: Kizumonogatari Part 1: Tekketsu in January 2016, Kizumonogatari Part 2: Nekketsu in August 2016, and Kizumonogatari Part 3: Reiketsu in January 2017.

Crunchyroll began streaming on Friday the compilation film for the SSSS.Dynazenon series that originally released in March 2023.

Production of the Golden Kamuy anime's final arc has been green-lit.

The anime's fourth season first premiered in October 2022 and aired episodes 1-6 (37-42 of the overall anime), before it stopped the broadcast. The staff had delayed episodes 7-13 of the anime's fourth season (episodes 43-49 of the overall anime) due to the passing of an unnamed main staff member of the anime. The announcement noted the main staff member who passed away was "indispensable" to the production, so the production committee and the anime's studio Brains Base decided on the delay after some discussion.

The anime restarted its broadcast in April 2023 with its first episode (overall episode 37 for the anime franchise).

The first television anime season premiered in April 2018. Crunchyroll streamed the series with English subtitles as it aired in Japan, and Funimation streamed it with an English dub. The second season premiered in October 2018. Crunchyroll streamed the series as it aired, and Funimation began streaming an English dub later that month. The third season premiered in October 2020. Crunchyroll streamed the anime as it aired in Japan. Funimation streamed an English dub.

The franchise has also inspired a live-action film and the live-action Golden Kamuy -Hokkaido Irezumi Shūjin Sōdatsu-hen- (Golden Kamuy: The Battle for the Hokkaido Tattooed Prisoners Arc) series. A second film will pick up the story after the series.

Source: Crunchyroll (link 2, link 3, link 4, link 5, link 6) via @AIR_News01

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