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Anime Tourism Association Unveils This Year's List of Sites Fans Should Visit

posted on by Ken Iikura-Gross
New locales added from Natsume's, Girls Band Cry, Blue Orchestra, Narenare -Cheer for you!-

JR Numata Station as seen in Narenare: Cheer for You!
Image via www.youtube.com

The Anime Tourism Association announced its annual list of "Anime Pilgrimage Sites People Should Visit" on January 24. The list includes over 120 locations from over 100 series and franchises.

This year's list adds locations from 15 new titles:

Girls Band Cry: Kawasaki City (Kanagawa Prefecture)
A Few Moments of Cheers: Kanazawa, Hakui (Ichikawa Prefecture)
Blue Orchestra: Chiba City (Chiba Prefecture)
Fureru.: Takadanobaba (Tokyo Metropolis)
Ghost Cat Anzu: Izu (Shizuoka Prefecture)
Give It All: Matsuyama City (Ehime Prefecture)
Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night: Shibuya (Tokyo Metropolis)
Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines!: Toyohashi (Aichi Prefecture)
My Deer Friend Nokotan: Hino (Tokyo Metropolis)
My Oni Girl: Yonezawa (Yamagata Prefecture)
Narenare -Cheer for you!-: Takasaki, Numata (Gunma Prefecture)
Natsume's Book of Friends: Hitoyoshi's Kuma District (Kumamoto Prefecture)
SHOSHIMIN: How to become Ordinary (Gifu Prefecture)
The Colors Within: Nagasaki City, Goto, Shin-Kamigoto, Sasebo (Nagasaki Prefecture)
trapezium: Tateyama (Chiba Prefecture)

Other notable titles from this year's list include Evangelion, Laid-Back Camp, Digimon Adventure, and the Love Live! franchise. Some well-known older titles also made the list such as The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Hana-Saku Iroha, A Lull in the Sea, Lucky Star, and anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day.

The Anime Tourism Association was established in 2016 with the aim to “connect ‘Japanese Anime 88-Spots’ (Local Regions), corporations, and content holders, allowing them to take advantage of the subject of the ‘Japanese Anime 88-Spots’ to provide goods and services and to create a welcoming environment for tourists, encouraging new economic growth.” The Association has released its Anime Pilgrimage Sites People Should Visit list annually since 2018. The Association is holding a press conference for its Anime Pilgrimage Sites 88 program on February 13 at 2:00 p.m. Japan time (midnight EST) on the Anime Tourism Association YouTube channel.

The full 2025 list is online in Japanese only. The English version of the website has not yet updated with the 2025 edition.

Update: The Colors Within locations Nagasaki City and Nagasaki Prefecture corrected. Thanks, rudolfpikel.

Source: Press release

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