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Christopher R. SABAT

Birth name: Christopher Robin Sabat
Also known as:
C.T. Anger
Date of birth: 1973-04-22
Hometown: Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
(1998) Employed by FUNimation Productions as Voice Director
(2004) Left Voice Director role at FUNimation; founded OkraTron 5000
Color: Kermit Green
Dragon Ball character: Vegeta
Fast Food: Thai
Ginyu Force member: Recoome
Founder, Owner and Director of Okratron5000
Playing video games
Web Diary / Blog:
Non-anime roles:
Abromowitz, Ahmad Farran and E.B.S in "The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct" (VG)
Additional Voices in "Ghostbusters: The Video Game" (VG)
Additional Voices in "Roadkill" (VG)
Alex D (male) in "Deus Ex: Invisible War" (VG)
Alex Louis Armstrong in "Fullmetal Alchemist 2: Curse of the Crimson Elixir" (VG)
Alex Louis Armstrong in "Fullmetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel" (VG)
Alex Louis Armstrong in "Fullmetal Alchemist: Dual Sympathy" (VG)
All Might in "My Hero Academia: The Strongest Hero" (VG)
All Might in "My Hero One's Justice 2" (VG)
Announcer in "Super Dragon Ball Z" (VG)
Announcer/Narrator in "Chuck E. Cheese in the Galaxy 5000"
Attikus, Geoff, Rath, S1.Chronicle, S1.Huntsman and S1.Wolf in "Battleborn" (VG)
Bastien Forge in "Tales of Luminaria" (VG)
Bobby Bianco and Jian Gui in "Iron Chef America: Supreme Cuisine" (VG)
Bubbles, Gogeta, Omega Shenron, Piccolo, Porunga, Recoome, Shenron, Yamcha, Vegeta, & Vegito in "Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World" (VG)
Burter, Cell, Jeice, Piccolo, Recoome, Sauzer, Shenron, Vegeta, Vegito, Yamcha and Zarbon in "Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2" (VG)
Burter, Gogeta, Grandpa Gohan, Jeice, Korin, Piccolo, Recoome, Salza, Omega Shenron, Vegito, Vegeta, Yamcha, Zarbon, Porunga and Shenron in "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2" (VG)
Burter, Gogeta, Jeice, Piccolo, Mr. Popo, Porunga, Shenron, Vegeta, Vegito, Yamcha and Zarbon in "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi" (VG)
Calavera in "Battlewake" (VG)
Captain William Rush in "Time Crisis 4" (VG) (as Chris Sabat)
Chaos Advent in "Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin" (VG)
Colonel Silver and Buyon in "Dragon Ball: Origins 2" (VG)
Cooler in "Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai" (VG)
Crew Chief in "Battle Zone" (VG)
Dietz, Announcer, & Soldier in "Æon Flux" (VG)
Duessel in "Fire Emblem Heroes" (VG)
Evil Guardian & Evil Master Beast in "One Piece: Unlimited Adventure" (VG)
Gambling Thug in "Ichi" (live action samurai movie) (English Dub)
Garland in "Dissidia: Final Fantasy" (VG)
Garland in "World of Final Fantasy: Maxima" (VG)
Genghis Khan/Temujin in "Genghis Khan: To the Ends of the Earth and Sea" (movie) (English Dub)
Gensai/Head Monk/New Culinary Chief in "Love & Honor" (live action Japanese movie) (English Dub)
Gogeta, Vegito, Porunga and Shenron in "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3" (VG)
Grandpa Gohan in "Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot" (VG, DLC 4)
Grandpa Gohan in "Dragon Ball: Advanced Adventure" (VG)
Grandpa Gohan, Hirudegarn, Omega Shenron, Piccolo, Porunga, Recoome, Shenron, Gogeta, Ultimate Shenron, Vegeta, Vegito and Yamcha in "Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi" (VG)
Great Ape in "Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle" (VG)
Grover in "Paladins: Champions of the Realm" (VG)
Guru, Kami, Mr. Popo, Korin, Recoome, Omega Shenron, Bubbles, Gogeta and Vegito in "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3" (VG)
Hatchiyack, Piccolo, Porunga, Recoome, Salza, Shenron, Vegeta, Yamcha, Vegito and Gogeta in "Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2" (VG)
He Bo, Zeus, Anhur, Fenrir, He Bo (Surfer), He Bo (New), Geb and Moonlight Love Rabbit in "SMITE" (VG)
Hirano in "Hana" (Live Action Japanese Film)
Hirudegarn in "Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle" (VG)
Jack Chase in "Case Closed: The Mirapolis Investigation" (VG)
Jeice in "Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z" (VG)
Jeice, Kami, Mr. Popo, Porunga and Shenron in "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai" (VG)
Kami in "Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World" (VG)
Kazuma Kuwabara and Gama in "Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament" (VG)
King Piccolo and Hero in "Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot" (VG, DLC 5)
King Piccolo in "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2" (VG, Wii)
King Piccolo in "Dragon Ball: Advanced Adventure" (VG)
Mr. Munch (Voice) in "Chuck E. Cheese in the Galaxy 5000"
Mr. Munch in "Chuck E. Cheese" (TV commercial)
Narration in "Spikeout: Battle Street" (VG)
Narrator in "The World of Dragon Ball Z" (VHS/DVD bonus feature)
Narrator in "Ultraman Z" (live-action TV; English dub)
Omega Shenron in "Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero" (VG)
Piano Player in "Chuck E. Cheese in the Galaxy 5000"
Piccolo, Recoome, Vegeta, Yamcha, Gogeta and Vegito in "Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team" (VG)
Piccolo, Vegeta, Yamcha, Zarbon, Burter, Jeice and Recoome in "Dragon Ball Z: Harukanaru Densetsu" (VG)
Piccolo, Yamcha, Omega Shenron, Vegeta, Grandpa Gohan, King Vegeta, Zarbon, Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Salza, King Piccolo and Budokai Announcer in "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3" (VG)
Piccolo, Yamcha, Vegeta, Zarbon, Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Shenron, Vegito and Gogeta in "Dragon Ball: Raging Blast" (VG)
Radio Host in "Interstate" (movie)
Recoome in "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi" (VG)
Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Soba and Kami in "Dragon Ball Z: Sagas" (VG)
Recoome, Tiencha, Vegito and Shenron in "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2" (VG)
Reiji Kido in "Shin Megami Tensei: Persona" (VG)
Roronoa Zoro in "One Piece : Unlimited Adventure" (VG)
Rundas in "Metroid Prime 3: Corruption" (VG)
Sergeant Askal in "Freedom Planet 2" (VG)
Shenron in "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3" (VG)
Sledge in "Borderlands" (VG)
Slezz, Newscaster, & Minions in "Bloodrayne 2" (VG)
Smokey Bear in "DEATH BATTLE"
Syn Shenron in "Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle" (VG)
Tenshin in "Spikeout: Battle Street" (VG)
The Conqueror in "The Last Remnant" (VG)
Tutorial Instructor in "Halo Wars" (VG)
Vaccine Man in "One Punch Man: A Hero Nobody Knows" (VG)
Vegeta, Piccolo, and Yamcha in "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2" (VG)
Vegeta, Piccolo, and Yamcha in "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3" (VG)
Vegeta, Piccolo, and Yamcha in "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai" (VG)
Vegeta, Piccolo, King Piccolo, Shenron in "Super Dragon Ball Z" (VG)
Vegeta, Piccolo, Recoome, Jeice and Burter in "Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors" (VG)
Vegeta, Piccolo, Vegito, Gogeta in "Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road" (VG)
Vegeta, Piccolo, Vegito, Gogeta in "Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai" (VG)
Vegeta, Piccolo, Yamcha in "Dragon Ball Z: Sagas" (VG)
Vegeta, Piccolo, Yamcha, Kami, Korin, Shenron, Porunga, Zarbon, Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Bubbles and Vegito in "Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot" (VG)
Vegeta, Piccolo, Yamcha, Kami, Shenron, Porunga, Zarbon, Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Vegito and Gogeta in "Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero" (VG)
Vegeta, Piccolo, Yamcha, King Piccolo, Zarbon, Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Borgos, Thouser (Salza), Hirudegarn, Vegito, Gogeta, Omega Shenron and Shenron in "Dragon Ball Legends" (VG)
Vegeta, Piccolo, Yamcha, Recoome in "Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit" (VG)
Vegeta, Piccolo, Yamcha, Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Gogeta, Vegito, Omega Shenron and Shenron in "Dragon Ball Xenoverse" (VG)
Vegeta, Piccolo, Yamcha, Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Shenron, Porunga, Vegito and Gogeta in "Dragon Ball FighterZ" (VG)
Vegeta, Piccolo, Yamcha, Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Vegito, Gogeta, Omega Shenron and Shenron in "Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle" (VG)
Vegeta, Piccolo, Yamcha, Recoome, Burter, Vegito and Hirudegarn in "Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z" (VG)
Vegeta, Piccolo, Yamcha, Zarbon, Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Gogeta, Vegito, Omega Shenron, Shenron and Guru in "Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2" (VG)
Void in "Spikeout: Battle Street" (VG)
Yamcha & Shenron in "Dragon Ball: Origins" (VG)
Yamcha, Grandpa Gohan, Shenron, Officer Black, Colonel Silver, Fortuneteller Baba, Korin, King Piccolo and Buyon in "Dragon Ball: Revenge of King Piccolo" (VG)
Yamcha, Shenron, Grandpa Gohan, Black in "Dragon Ball: Origins 2" (VG)
Zarbon and Recoome in "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai" (VG)
Zarbon, Vegeta, Recoome, Burter, Jeice and Shenron in "Dragon Ball: The Breakers" (VG)
Non-anime staff credits:
Assistant Voice Director for "Chuck E. Cheese in the Galaxy 5000"
Director/Producer (Okratron 5000) for "Fullmetal Alchemist: Dual Sympathy" (VG)
Executive Producer (Okratron 5000) for "Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero" (VG)
Executive Producer (Okratron 5000) for "Ultraman Blazar" (live-action TV; English dub)
Executive Producer (Okratron 5000) for "Ultraman Z" (live-action TV; English dub)
Executive Producer/Voice Director for "Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2" (VG)
Executive Producer/Voice Director for "Dragon Ball Xenoverse" (VG)
Music, Arrangement and Lyrics for "Chuck E. Cheese in the Galaxy 5000"
Producer (Okratron 5000) for "Lux-Pain" (VG)
Producer/Voice Director for "Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z" (VG)
Producer/Voice Director for "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3" (VG)
Producer/Voice Director for "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2" (VG)
Producer/Voice Director for "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3" (VG)
Producer/Voice Director for "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi" (VG)
Producer/Voice Director for "Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit" (VG)
Producer/Voice Director for "Dragon Ball Z: Harukanaru Densetsu" (VG)
Producer/Voice Director for "Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World" (VG)
Producer/Voice Director for "Dragon Ball Z: Sagas" (VG)
Producer/Voice Director for "Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road" (VG)
Producer/Voice Director for "Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai" (VG)
Producer/Voice Director for "Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2" (VG)
Producer/Voice Director for "Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team" (VG)
Producer/Voice Director for "Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi" (VG)
Producer/Voice Director for "Dragon Ball: Origins 2" (VG)
Producer/Voice Director for "Dragon Ball: Origins" (VG)
Producer/Voice Director for "Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2" (VG)
Producer/Voice Director for "Dragon Ball: Raging Blast" (VG)
Producer/Voice Director for "Dragon Ball: Revenge of King Piccolo" (VG)
Producer/Voice Director for "Fullmetal Alchemist 2: Curse of the Crimson Elixir" (VG)
Producer/Voice director for "Fullmetal Alchemist and the Broken Angel" (VG)
Producer/Voice director for "Spikeout: Battle Street" (VG)
Producer/Voice Director for "Super Dragon Ball Z" (VG)
Script Adaptation for "Dragon Ball FighterZ" (VG)
Song Performance for "Chuck E. Cheese in the Galaxy 5000"
Talent Coordinator for "Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z" (VG)
Talent Coordinator for "Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi" (VG)
Voice Director for "Dragon Ball FighterZ" (VG)
Voice Director for "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2" (VG)
Voice Director for "Dragon Ball Z: Budokai" (VG)
Voice Director/Producer for "One Piece: Unlimited Adventure" (VG)
Writer for "Dragon Ball: Origins 2" (VG)
Writer for "Dragon Ball: Raging Blast" (VG)
News: Show:
Dub Actor Interviews (Aug 4, 2004)
New Otakon Guests (Jul 8, 2004)
CNAnime Guests (May 22, 2004)
Petitions (Aug 25, 2000)
You can contribute information to this page, but first you must login or register
Staff in:
(English version)
A3! Season Autumn & Winter (TV) : Producer (Okratron 5000)
A3! Season Spring & Summer (TV) : Producer (Okratron 5000; eps 4-12)
Asteroid in Love (TV) : Producer (OkraTron 5000)
Black Butler: Book of the Atlantic (movie) : Producer
Blue Gender (TV) : ADR Director, Audio Commentary (ep 1), DVD Menu Audio, DVD Producer, Line Producer, Menu Audio
Blue Gender: The Warrior (movie) : ADR Director, Line Producer
Case Closed (TV) : ADR Director
Code Geass: Akito the Exiled (OAV) : Producer (Okratron 5000)
D.Gray-man (TV) : ADR Director, Producer, Commentary (ep 18), Line Producer
Darker than Black (TV) : Commentary (ep 9)
(The) Demon Prince of Momochi House (TV) : Producer (final eps)
(The) Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan (TV) : Producer
Dragon Ball (TV) : Voice Direction (FUNimation dub)
Dragon Ball GT (TV) : Behind The Scenes (DVD Extra)
Dragon Ball GT: A Hero's Legacy (special) : Assistant ADR Director, DVD Menu Audio
Dragon Ball Movie 3: Mystical Adventure : Voice Direction
Dragon Ball Movie 4: The Path to Power : DVD Menu Audio
Dragon Ball Super (TV) : Producer (OkraTron 5000), Voice Direction
Dragon Ball Super: Broly (movie) : Producer (Okratron 5000), Voice Direction
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero (movie) : ADR Director
Dragon Ball Z (TV) : ADR Director, Assistant Voice Director (Season 3 and 4), Interview (Blu-Ray; Season 2), Voice Direction (Kid Buu Saga; eps 261-276)
Dragon Ball Z Kai (TV) : ADR Director, Producer, Line Producer
Dragon Ball Z Kai (TV 2) : ADR Director, Producer, Commentary (Blu-ray release; ep 157)
Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku (special) : Voice Direction
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods (movie) : Producer, Voice Direction
Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound (movie 9) : DVD Menu Audio
Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan (movie 8) : DVD Menu Audio, Script Adaptation
Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge (movie 5) : ADR Director, DVD Menu Music
Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug (movie 4) : Voice Direction
Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F' (movie) : Producer, Voice Direction
Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13! (movie 7) : DVD Menu Audio
Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks (special) : Voice Direction
(The) Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil (TV) : Producer (final eps)
Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory (TV) : Commentary (ep 4)
Fullmetal Alchemist (TV) : Special Thanks To (Transmutation of a Phenomenon Featurette)
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos (movie) : Commentary
Glass Fleet (TV) : ADR Director, Producer, Line Producer
Gunslinger Girl (TV) : ADR Director (eps 1-2, 13), Commentary (ep 12)
Kiddy Grade (TV) : DVD Menu Audio
Kodocha (TV) : ADR Director
(The) Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel - Northern War (TV) : Executive producer
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Collision (movies) : Producer (Okratron 5000)
Log Horizon: Destruction of the Round Table (TV) : Producer (OkraTron 5000)
Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club (TV) : Producer (Okratron 5000)
Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club (TV 2) : Producer (Okratron 5000)
Lupin III: Dragon of Doom (special) : DVD Menu Audio, Line Producer
Lupin III: The Pursuit of Harimao's Treasure (special) : DVD Audio Design, Line Producer
Lupin III: The Secret of Twilight Gemini (movie) : ADR Director, DVD Audio Design
Lupin III: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine (TV) : Producer, Commentary (ep 9), Line Producer, Special Thanks To (Discotek Blu-ray), Talent Coordination, Voice Direction
Lupin III: Voyage to Danger (special) : DVD Menu Audio, Line Producer, Special Thanks To (Discotek)
Mass Effect: Paragon Lost (movie) : Sound Design Producer
Moriarty the Patriot (TV) : Producer (OkraTron 5000)
One Piece (TV 1999) : Commentary (7 episodes
eps 1, 119, 211, 300, 335, 368, 377

Ouran High School Host Club (TV) : Commentary (ep 22)
Psycho-Pass 2 (TV) : Audio Commentary (ep 8)
Rumble Garanndoll (TV) : Producer
Sakura Wars the Animation (TV) : Producer (OkraTron 5000)
Shachibato! President, It's Time for Battle! (TV) : Producer (OkraTron 5000)
Shin Ultraman (live-action movie) : Executive producer
Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle (TV) : Producer (OkraTron 5000)
(The) Slime Diaries (TV) : Producer
Solty Rei (TV) : ADR Director, Commentary (ep 13), Line Producer
Tamayomi: The Baseball Girls (TV) : Producer (Okratron 5000)
Tenchi Muyo! GXP (TV) : DVD Menu Audio
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (TV 3) : Producer (OkraTron 5000)
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (TV 4) : Producer
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: Scarlet Bond (movie) : Executive producer
Tsubasa: Spring Thunder (OAV) : Commentary (ep 2)
Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! (TV 2) : Producer (Okratron 5000)
Wave, Listen to Me! (TV) : Producer (OkraTron 5000)
(The) Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting (TV) : Executive producer
Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files (TV) : Assistant ADR Director, Commentary (eps 63, 112), DVD Menu Audio, DVD Menu Design
Yuri!!! on Ice (TV) : Commentary (ep 11)

Staff in:
(English version)
(under the name of C.T. Anger)
High School DxD New (TV) : ADR Director
Maken-Ki! Battling Venus 2 (TV) : ADR Director
Maken-Ki! Takeru Turns into a Woman!? Naked in a Southern Island! (OAV) : ADR Director

Cast in:
(English version)
A3! Season Autumn & Winter (TV) as Juza Hyodo
A3! Season Spring & Summer (TV) as Jyuza Hodo (ep 12)
ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept. (TV) as Baccarat (ep 10)
Ace Attorney (TV) as Money
Ace Attorney Season 2 (TV) as Goldy (ep 6)
Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero (TV) as Kaito Kubota (eps 6, 9, 11)
Africa Salaryman (TV) as Melonbear (ep 4)
After School Dice Club (TV) as George Beresford (eps 6, 12)
Akiba's Trip: The Animation (TV); Hardman (ep 2)
All Out!! (TV) as Gion Zenji (ep 6); Shingo Komori
And you thought there is never a girl online? (TV)
Appare-Ranman! (TV); Railroad Executive (eps 8, 10)
Aquarion (TV); Military Commander (ep 23); Narrator (eps 1-2); Shadow (ep 22)
Arifureta - From Commonplace to World's Strongest (TV)
Assassination Classroom (TV) as Grip (eps 19-20, 22)
Assassination Classroom (TV 2) as Grip (ep 10)
Asteroid in Love (TV) as Gauss
Attack on Titan (TV) as Kitz Weilmann
Attack on Titan (TV 2/2017) as Kitz Weilman (ep 28)
Attack on Titan: Junior High (TV) as Woerman (ep 12)
B't X (TV)
Baka and Test - Summon the Beasts 2 (TV) as Mr. Ooshima (ep 7)
Baki the Grappler (TV) as Kousho (eps 17-18); Toba (eps 19-20)
Baldr Force EXE (OAV) as Yuuya
Bamboo Blade (TV) as Dorchil (eps 8, 10); Kenzaburō Ishibashi
Banished from the Hero's Party (TV) as Belial (eps 8-9); Bighawk (eps 5, 8)
Barakamon (TV) as Kazuyuki Sakamoto (Head Teacher)
Bartender Glass of God (TV); Kitakata
Basilisk (TV) as Kasumi Gyobu
BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad (TV) as Preview Narrator
BEM (TV 2019) as Bowling Man (ep 2)
Ben-To (TV) as Aburashin (ep 1)
Bikini Warriors (TV) as Boss (ep 7); Narrator
Birdy the Mighty Decode:02 (TV) as Skeletso
Birdy the Mighty: Decode (TV) as Skeletso
Black Blood Brothers (TV) as Cain Warlock
Black Butler (live-action movie) as Akashi
Black Butler (TV) as Azzuro Vanel (ep 2)
Black Butler II (OAV)
Black Butler: Book of Circus (TV) as Chlaus; Jumbo
Black Cat (TV) as Zagine Axeloake
Black Clover (TV) as Yami Sukehiro
Black Clover: Sword of the Wizard King (movie) as Yami Sukehiro
Blassreiter (TV) as Gerd Frentzen
Blood Blockade Battlefront (TV); Gregor Maximus (ep 7)
Blood Blockade Battlefront & Beyond (TV)
Blue Gender (TV); Ark Operator C (ep 20); Ark Soldier D (ep 21); Bespectacled Council Member; Field Operator B (uncredited; ep 16); Gossiping Soldier A (uncredited; ep 10); Keith Bean; Second Earth Operator A (ep 25)
Blue Gender: The Warrior (movie) as Council Member C; Keith Bean; Operator; Soldier
Boogiepop and Others (TV 2019); Patient (ep 11)
Brave Witches (TV) as Klaus Mannerheim (eps 4, 11-12)
Brothers Conflict (OAV) as Ukyo Asahina
Brothers Conflict (TV) as Ukyo Asahina
Burst Angel (TV) as Azuma Iriki
Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill (TV) as Willem (ep 9)
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card (TV) as Big Cake A (ep 17); Kerberos (Big)
Case Closed (TV); Craig (eps 28-29); Detective Shaw (eps 113-114); Detective Yama (uncredited; ep 84); Informing Islander B (uncredited; ep 63); Johnny Hijikata (eps 108-109); Otto (eps 104-105); Video Game Fighter (uncredited; ep 44); Vodka (Fat Man in Black; ep 1)
Case Closed: Countdown to Heaven (movie 5) as Vodka
Case Closed: The Fourteenth Target (movie 2) as Emilio Cantore
Case File nº221: Kabukicho (TV) as Sebastian Moran
Casshern Sins (TV); Bolton (ep 9)
Castle Town Dandelion (TV) as Borscht
A Certain Magical Index (TV) as Toya Kamijo
A Certain Magical Index II (TV) as Toya Kamijo
A Certain Scientific Railgun T (TV 3); Chief Researcher (ep 10)
Chain Chronicle: The Light of Haecceitas (TV) as Vorg (ep 3)
Chaos Dragon (TV) as Kankoretsu
Chrome Shelled Regios (TV)
Classroom of the Elite (TV) as Kiyotaka's Teacher (ep 10)
Classroom of the Elite II (TV 2) as Kiyotaka's Father
Claymore (TV) as Galk
Clockwork Planet (TV) as Vainney Halter
Code Geass: Akito the Exiled (OAV) as General Gene Smilas
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Re;surrection (movie) as Bitool
Code:Breaker (TV); Rogue Supernatural (ep 10)
Concrete Revolutio: The Last Song (TV 2) as Carolco Wilder (eps 19-20)
Corpse Princess: Aka (TV) as Hazama (Seven Stars)
Corpse Princess: Kuro (TV) as Hazama (Seven Stars)
D-Frag! (TV)
D.Gray-man (TV) as General Cross Marian; Tap Dopp; Verne (ep 26)
D.Gray-man Hallow (TV) as Cross Marian
Daimidaler: Prince vs. Penguin Empire (TV) as Adelie
Danganronpa The Animation (TV) as Mondo Owada
Darker than Black (TV) as Clerk 2 (ep 3); Yusuke Saito
Darker than Black: Gemini of the Meteor (TV) as Yusuke Saito (ep 3)
DARLING in the FRANXX (TV) as Papa (ep 1)
Date A Live (TV) as Kawagoe
Date A Live II (TV) as Kawagoe
Date A Live III (TV) as Kawagoe
Date A Live IV (TV) as Kawagoe
Date A Live V (TV) as Kyojei Kawagoe
Deadman Wonderland (TV) as Endou
Death March to The Parallel World Rhapsody (TV) as Male Administrator A (ep 2); Thorn (ep 6)
Deep Insanity: The Lost Child (TV)
Desert Punk (TV) (eps 5-6, 12)
(The) Devil Is a Part-Timer! (TV) as Albert
(The) Devil Is a Part-Timer!! (TV 2) as Albert Ende (ep 1)
(The) Devil Is a Part-Timer!! (TV 3) as Albert Ende
Dimension W (TV) as Kyoma Mabuchi
Divine Gate (TV) as Palamedes
Donten ni Warau Gaiden: Ketsubetsu, Yamainu no Chikai (movie) as Seiichirō Takamine
Donten ni Warau Gaiden: Ōka, Tenbō no Kakehashi (movie) as Takamine
Donten ni Warau Gaiden: Shukumei, Sōtō no Fūma (movie) as Seiichirō Takamine
Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker (movie) as Knight Commander
Dragon Ball (TV) as Alligator (ep 65); Bald Guy (ep 21); Bandaged Fighter (ep 90); Baragon Fighter (ep 17); Big Man (ep 95); Brown Country Cop D (ep 15); Bruce Pū (Bruce Lee lookalike; eps 17, 20); Buyon; Cecil (gossiping monk; ep 88); Ceratosaurus (ep 81); Chappa's Student A (ep 126); Colonel Silver; Demon Walla (ep 102); General Black; Giant Fish (eps 1, 58); Grandpa Gohan (FUNimation dub); Guarding Monk B (ep 135); Heavyset Girl (ep 28); Hero; Hippo Captain (ep 48); Human Spectator (ep 26); InoShikaCho (ep 82); Islamic Man (ep 9); Jab (black competitor; ep 20); Kami; King Piccolo; Korin; Lifting Human Monk (walla; ep 133); Ling Shang Villager E (ep 82); Mr. Popo; Mustached Spectator (ep 144); Old Farmer (ep 130); Orin Monk C (ep 23); Papaya Pedestrian C (walla; ep 133); Piccolo Junior; Pilaf's Crocodiles (ep 10); Popo Poco Elder (eps 131-132); Red Cap Spectator (ep 144); Red Ribbon Soldier C (ep 66); Red Ribbon Survivor D (walla; ep 68); Rich Man (ep 117); Shen Long (FUNimation dub) ; Sherman Priest (voice double; ep 4); Slaughtered Pterodactyl (ep 31); Southern Tourist (ep 97); Southwest Spectator (ep 89); Tiger Messenger (ep 48); Triceratops (ep 16); Turtle; Villager Walla (ep 9); Weightlifter Woman (eps 14, 28); Yamcha (FUNimation dub); Yamcha's Fanclub Member E (ep 44); Yellow Squadron Soldier A (ep 58)
Dragon Ball Daima (TV) as Korin; Shenron; Turtle; Vegeta (adult); Yamcha (adult)
Dragon Ball GT (TV); Arcade Punk (ep 40); Assistant Black (ep 45); Black Smoke Dragon; Black Star Shenron (Ultimate Shenron); Blocking Monk B (ep 41); Bubbles (ep 63); Chanting Old Man (uncredited; ep 30); Fisherman B (uncredited; ep 51); Infected Walla (ep 34); King Piccolo (ep 64); Korin (eps 40, 64); Moori (ep 40); Mr. Popo (FUNimation); Omega Shenron (FUNimation); Ox King (ep 40); Piccolo (FUNimation); Porunga (ep 40); Shenron (Eternal Dragon); Sugoroku Microphone (Game Master; ep 29); Vegeta (FUNimation); Vegeta Jr. (ep 64); Yamcha (FUNimation eps. 40, 55, 64)
Dragon Ball GT: A Hero's Legacy (special) as Torga (Rakkaru); Yamcha
Dragon Ball Movie 1: Curse of the Blood Rubies as Shenron (FUNimation Dub); Turtle (Funimation dub); Yamcha (FUNimation Dub)
Dragon Ball Movie 2: Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle as Captor Demon; Igor; Narrator; Turtle; TV Demon; Yamcha
Dragon Ball Movie 3: Mystical Adventure as Korin ; Narrator; Shenron; Turtle; Yamcha
Dragon Ball Movie 4: The Path to Power as Commander Black; Shenron; Umigame ; Yamcha
Dragon Ball Super (TV); Bubbles (6 episodes
eps 2, 4-5, 12, 45, 87
; Burter (ep 76); Jeice (ep 76); King Piccolo (eps 62, 76); King Vegeta (ep 6); Korin; Paozusaurus (ep 88); Piccolo; Recoome (ep 76); Restaurant Owner (ep 68); Shenron; Super Shenron; Turtle (eps 62, 75-76); Vegeta; Vegito (Vegeta's Fusion); Yamcha
Dragon Ball Super: Broly (movie) as Gogeta/Veku; King Vegeta; Piccolo; Shenron; Vegeta; Zarbon
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero (movie) as Korin; Piccolo; Shenron; Vegeta
Dragon Ball Z (TV) as "Professional" Crane Operator (ep 205); Alien Dinosaur (ep 41); Amazed Spectator F (ep 212); Amazed Spectator L (ep 212); Angela's Crush (ep 202); Apatosaurus (ep 10); Appule's Race Soldier B (ep 113); Astounded Competitor A (ep 216); Baby Dinosaur (ep 206); Bank Robber E (ep 200); Bespectacled Monk (4 episodes
eps 211, 213, 216-217
; Billy's Dad (walla; ep 1); Blue-Cap Spectator (ep 186); Brawny Busjacker (ep 201); Bubbles; Burter (FUNimation re-dub; ep 280); Catcher (ep 200); Cheering Spectator B (ep 224); Circus Promoter (ep 204); Conspiracy Nut B (ep 284); Country Folk C (ep 248); Cowardly Frieza Subordinate (ep 120); CQV Anchor B (ep 141); Crowd Control Monk B (ep 228); Desperate Civilian C (ep 243); Ed (pilot; ep 202); Emergency Announcer (ep 194); Engaged Man (ep 242); Esaw (FUNimation re-dub; ep 11); Evacuator C (ep 168); Fireman B (ep 202); Fisshi (humanoid frieza subordinate; ep 119); Frieza Force Digger B (ep 68); Frieza Force Engineer B (ep 119); Frieza Force Soldiers (ep 72); Frieza's Subordinate B (ep 119); Funhouse Guy (ep 147); Future Android (eps 122, 128); Future Piccolo (eps 122, 164); Future Vegeta (eps 122, 164); Future Yamcha (eps 122, 164); Garlic Sr. (ep 109); Giant Eel (ep 117); Giant Fish (ep 108); Giant Sea Fish (ep 157); Ginger (flashback; ep 108); Ginyu Candidate Walla (uncredited; ep 67); Gorilla Fighter (eps 196, 270); Gossiping Monk B (ep 222); Goz (FUNimation re-dub; eps 13, 280); Grandpa Gohan (Flashback; ep 32); Green Gi Fighter (ep 210); Guru; Hero (Kami’s guise; ep 37 flashback); Hysterical Driver (ep 247); Icarus; Incredulous Monk (ep 291); Jeering Spectator A (ep 226); Jeice; Kami; KBC Reporter (originally; ep 171); King Piccolo (flashback; ep 137); King Vegeta; Korin; Laughing Fish B (ep 109); Lion (uncredited; ep 22); Lucky Foods Employee B (ep 138); Majin Soldier (ep 224); Major Metallitron (flashback; ep 128); Male Banker (ep 200); Man in Red Car (ep 117); Marvin's Colleague (ep 242); Mercenary Tao (flashback; ep 128); Mez (FUNimation re-dub; eps 13, 95); Mohawked Guy (ep 182); Mooki (ep 210); Moori; Mourning Namekian (ep 105); Mr. Popo; Namekian Sea Serpents (ep 69); Namekian Villager B (originally; ep 100); Nappa (4 episodes
eps 138, 143, 160, 230
; Nareg (ep 290); News Anchor (ep 157); Nicky (flashback; ep 108); Nightmare Beast (ep 133); NMT Anchor (ep 143); Old Civilian (ep 241); Old Farmer (ep 116); Old Man Neighbor (eps 180-181); Old Man turned into Milk (ep 249); Ox King (originally; eps 208-291); Parsley City Civilian A (ep 194); Parsley City Civilian C (ep 194); Parsley City Old Man (ep 194); Petrol Gas Attendant (ep 126); Piccolo; Pink Dinosaur (ep 239); Planet Cold Doctor (originally; voice double; ep 119); Porunga; Pyontat (muay thai boy; ep 211); Recoom ; Reggae Toad Warrior (ep 138); Revived Youth (eps 283-284); Roy "John" Johnson (ep 146); Sansho (flashback; ep 108); Scared Driver (ep 154); Senior Monk C (ep 224); Shenron; Sparring Kid A (ep 211); Spike the Devilman (ep 285); Studio Anchor (ep 167); Suit Actor (ep 167); Tanned Spectator (uncut; ep 186); Toh Toh's Wife (ep 204); Tommie (ep 137); Trapped Man B (ep 202); Turtle; Unstoppable Man (ep 180); Vegeta; Vegeta Actor (Cell Games Reenactment); Vegito; Waiting Fighter A (ep 211); Waves & Rocks Narration (ep 210); Weatherman (ep 167); West City Driver A (ep 168); White Shirt Cheerer (ep 192); Yamcha; Yawning Frieza Soldier (ep 72); Zarbon; ZTV Director (ep 212); ZTV Representative B (ep 179)
Dragon Ball Z Kai (TV); AHO Crew (ep 11); Black Haired Guy (ep 76); Bubbles; Captain (eps 55-56); Grandpa Gohan (eps 1, 14); Great Ape / Oozaru; Green Shirted Guy (ep 76); Kami; King Piccolo (ep 25); Korin; Piccolo; Porunga (eps 36, 51, 54); Recoome; Shenron; Vegeta; Yamcha
Dragon Ball Z Kai (TV 2) (ep 134); Bubbles; Burter (ep 159); Fake Vegeta (archive audio replacement); Jeice (ep 159); Korin; Olibu (ep 158); Piccolo; Porunga; Recoome (ep 159); Shenron; Vegeta; Vegito (Vegeta's Fusion); Yamcha
Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku (special) as Borgos ; Clamourng Frieza Soldier B; Grandpa Gohan; Nappa; Vegeta; Zarbon
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods (movie); Bubbles; King Vegeta; Piccolo; Shenron; Vegeta; Yamcha
Dragon Ball Z: Bio-Broly (movie 11) as Bubbles; Dr. Collie
Dragon Ball Z: Bojack Unbound (movie 9) as Bubbles (uncredited); Piccolo; Vegeta; Yamcha
Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan (movie 8) as Bubbles; King Vegeta; Piccolo; Vegeta
Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge (movie 5) as Giant Fish; Icarus; Piccolo
Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone (movie 1) as Kami (FUNimation); Piccolo (FUNimation); Shenron (FUNimation)
Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn (movie 12) as Announcer; Gogeta; Jeice; Shenron; Vegeta; Veku
Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug (movie 4) as Angila ; Icarus; Kakuja ; Piccolo; Shen Long ; Shenron; Zeeun 
Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F' (movie) as Piccolo; Shenron; Vegeta
Dragon Ball Z: Super Android 13! (movie 7) as Piccolo; Vegeta
Dragon Ball Z: The History of Trunks (special) as Male Super World Announcer; OBC Reporter; Piccolo; Turtle; Vegeta; Yamcha
Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler (movie 6) as Moori; Mr. Popo; Piccolo; Vegeta
Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might (movie 3) as Father on Merry-Go-Round (incidental; FUNimation dub); Icarus (Funimation); Piccolo; Shenron (Funimation); Yamcha (Uncut)
Dragon Ball Z: The World's Strongest (movie 2) as Bio-Men (Funimation); Piccolo (Uncut); Shenron (Funimation); Turtle (Funimation)
Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon (movie 13) as Shenron; Vegeta
Dragonaut - The Resonance (TV) as Gio
Dream 9 Toriko & One Piece & Dragon Ball Z Chō Collaboration Special!! as Piccolo; Roronoa Zoro; Vegeta
Drifters (TV) as Gilles de Rais
Eden of the East (TV) as Yusei Kondo (eps 2-3)
ēlDLIVE (TV) as Belalugo (ep 6)
Fairy gone (TV) as Izem
Fairy Tail (TV) as Elfman; Elfman (Edolas); Snarl (ep 4)
Fairy Tail (TV 2/2014) as Elfman Strauss
Fairy Tail (TV 3/2018) as Elfman Strauss
Fairy Tail the Movie: Phoenix Priestess as Elfman Strauss
Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest (TV) as Elfman Strauss
Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry (movie) as Elfman
Fire Force (TV) as Mamoru (as DJ Sexidillionaire; ep 4)
Fire Force (TV 2); Danrou Oze (eps 19, 22); Mamoru-kun (ep 23)
First Love Monster (TV); Narrator
Fist of the North Star - Legend of Raoh: Chapter of Death in Love (movie) as Souther
Free! - Iwatobi Swim Club (TV) as Gorō Sasabe
Free! -Dive to the Future- (TV) as Goro Sasabe
Free! -Road to the World- The Dream (movie) as Goro Sasabe
Free! -Take Your Marks- (movie) as Gorō Sasabe
Free! Eternal Summer (TV) as Goro Sasabe
Free! The Movie -Timeless Medley- the Bond as Goro Sasabe
Free! The Movie -Timeless Medley- the Promise as Goro Sasabe
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (TV) as Dunste (eps 24-25)
Fruits Basket (TV 1/2001) as Ayame Sohma
Fruits Basket (TV 2/2019) as Ayame Soma
Fruits Basket 2nd Season (TV) as Ayame Soma
Fruits Basket the Final (TV) as Ayame Soma
Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory (TV) as Kurama
Fullmetal Alchemist (TV) as Alerted Ishbalan A (uncredited; ep 39); Alex Louis Armstrong; Encouraging Slums Resident (uncredited; ep 30); Mr. Armstrong (ep 37)
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (TV) as Alex Louis Armstrong; Phillip Armstrong (ep 45)
Fullmetal Alchemist: Premium Collection (OAV) as Alex Louis Armstrong
Fullmetal Alchemist: Seven Homunculi VS State Alchemists (OAV) as Alex Louis Armstrong
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Movie - Conqueror of Shamballa as Alex "Louis" Armstrong
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos (movie) as Alex Louis Armstrong; Train Guard
(The) Future Diary (TV) as Uchio Gasai (eps 18, 25-26)
Fuuka (TV) as Mikasa's Father (ep 10)
Ga-Rei-Zero (TV) as Kudo Kuzuno
(The) Galaxy Railways (TV); Leon (ep 10)
Gangsta. (TV) as Gaston Brown (ep 4)
Garo the Animation (TV) as Camillo (ep 23)
Genocidal Organ (movie) as Rockwell
Ghost in the Shell: Arise (OAV) as Batou
Ghost in the Shell: The New Movie as Batou
Glass Fleet (TV) as Heizak; Potato (ep 22)
Golden Kamuy (TV 1) as Tatsuma Ushiyama
Golden Kamuy (TV 2) as Tatsuma Ushiyama
Golden Kamuy (TV 3) as Tatsūma Ushiyama (ep 32)
Golden Kamuy (TV 4) as Tatsuma Ushiyama
Grappler Baki Maximum Tournament (TV) as Chinese Kenpo Disciples (walla; ep 15); Dorian Kaio (incidental; ep 15); Mount Toba; Shinogi Kosho; Volatile Inmate (uncredited; ep 24)
Gunslinger Girl (TV); Boss (eps 1-2); Pietro Fermi (eps 10-11)
Haganai NEXT (TV) as Koyomi Fujioka (ep 2)
Hakyū Hōshin Engi (TV) as Supu Papa (eps 17, 23)
Heaven's Lost Property (TV); Target Practice Store Owner (ep 8)
Heaven's Lost Property Forte (TV) as Zero (eps 3, 9)
(The) Heike Story (TV) as Minamoto no Yorimasa (ep 5)
Hell Girl (TV) as Director (ep 20); Goro Suetsugu (ep 22)
Hero Tales (TV)
Heroic Age (TV); Karkinos Rucan
(The) Heroic Legend of Arslan (TV) as King Andragoras
(The) Heroic Legend of Arslan: Dust Storm Dance (TV) as Andragoras III
Hetalia - Axis Powers (TV) as Rome
Hetalia Axis Powers: Paint it, White! (movie) as Rome
Hetalia World Series (TV); Rome
High School DxD (TV) as Sacred Gear/Ddraig
High School DxD BorN (TV) as Ddraig
High School DxD Hero (TV) as Ddraig
High School DxD New (TV) as Ddraig
High Speed! -Free! Starting Days- (movie) as Gorō Sasabe
Hinamatsuri (TV) as Tatsuhiko Naito
Human Lost (movie)
I'm in Love with the Villainess (TV) as l'Ausseil Bauer (ep 9)
If My Favorite Pop Idol Made it to the Budokan, I Would Die (TV) as Narrator; Yoshikawa
In Another World With My Smartphone (TV) as Alfred Urnea Ortflinde
In Another World With My Smartphone (TV 2) as Alfred Urnea Ortflinde (eps 7-8)
Initial D: Fourth Stage (TV) as Kyouichi Sudou (eps 5-6)
Initial D: Second Stage (TV) as Kyouichi Sudou (FUNimation Dub)
Initial D: Third Stage (movie) as Kyouichi Sudou
Izetta: The Last Witch (TV); Baer (ep 3)
I’ll Become a Villainess Who Goes Down in History (TV) as Luke Seeker
Joker Game (TV) (ep 4)
Jormungand (TV) as Maestro (eps 3-4)
(The) Journey (movie) as Nizar
Juni Taisen: Zodiac War (TV) as Judge (ep 8)
Junji Ito "Collection" (TV) as Man 7B (ep 7)
Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes and Huntsmen Part Two (OAV)
Jyu-Oh-Sei (TV) as Yuuki (ep 6)
Kamisama Kiss 2 (TV)
Kaze no Stigma (TV) as Ryuya Kazamaki (eps 1-4)
KenIchi the Mightiest Disciple (OAV) as Shio Sakaki
KenIchi the Mightiest Disciple (TV) as Shio Sakaki
Kiddy Grade (TV) (eps 7-8); Chevalier D'Autrich; Dextera (2nd voice); Drill Assassin (ep 4); Farl (ep 11); Hedge Head Boss A (uncredited; ep 5); Secretary
Kino's Journey - the Beautiful World- (TV) as Riku
Knight's & Magic (TV) as Emrys Geijer Fremevilla
Kodocha (TV); Kurosaki (ep 30); Naru Naru (eps 14, 16, 33)
Kono Oto Tomare!: Sounds of Life (TV 1)
Koro Sensei Quest! (ONA) as Grip (ep 1)
Laughing Under the Clouds (TV) as Seiichirō Takamine
(The) Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These (TV) as Walter von Schönkopf
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These - Collision (movies) as Walter von Schönkopf
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These Second (movie series) as Walter von Schönkopf
(The) Legend of the Legendary Heroes (TV); Rahel Miller
Level E (TV) as Renzo Edogawa
Life Lessons with Uramichi-Oniisan (TV) as Yusao Furode
Linebarrels of Iron (TV) as Captain Shinobu Igarashi
Listeners (TV) as Psychobilly (ep 12)
Love Stage!! (TV) as Biscuit (ep 6); Miss Terry
Lovely Complex (TV)
Lupin III: Crisis in Tokyo (special) as Daisuke Jigen
Lupin III: Dead or Alive (movie) as Daisuke Jigen
Lupin III: Dragon of Doom (special) as Daisuke Jigen
Lupin III: Farewell to Nostradamus (movie) as Daisuke Jigen
Lupin III: Island of Assassins (special) as Daisuke Jigen
Lupin III: Missed by a Dollar (special) as Daisuke Jigen
Lupin III: The Columbus Files (special) as Daisuke Jigen
Lupin III: The Pursuit of Harimao's Treasure (special) as Daisuke Jigen; Spy B
Lupin III: The Secret of Twilight Gemini (movie) as Daisuke Jigen; DGSN Walla; Interpol Walla
Lupin III: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine (TV) as Daisuke Jigen
Lupin III: Voyage to Danger (special); American Buyer; Daisuke Jigen; Department of Defense Operator A; Russian Buyer; Shot Shell Operator; Vladivostok Soldier B
Magical Girl Raising Project (TV) as Naoko's Husband (ep 8)
Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka (TV); Narrator; Yoshiaki Iizuka
Maken-Ki! Battling Venus (TV) as Hideki Hebiyama (ep 4)
(The) Master of Ragnarok & Blesser of Einherjar (TV) as YNGVI
Mazinkaiser vs. Great General of Darkness (OAV) as EU Army Captain; Scarabeth
Mermaid Forest (TV) as Construction Worker (ep 12); Deformed One (ep 12); Man A (eps 10-11); Person on Bike (ep 13)
(The) Millionaire Detective - Balance: UNLIMITED (TV) as Katsuhiro Takei
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid (TV) as Gukkinkambi (ep 11); Kobayashi's Boss (ep 5)
Mix: Meisei Story (TV) as Ichi; Isami Nishimura
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed (TV) as Lt. Commander Biddulph (NYAV Post dub); Siegel Clyne (NYAV Post dub)
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury (TV) as Vim Jeturk
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury - Prologue (special) as Vim Jeturk
Monster Hunter Stories RIDE ON (TV) as Lute's Father
Monsters: 103 Mercies Dragon Damnation (ONA) as Narrator; Roronoa Zoro
MoonPhase (TV); Vargas
Moriarty the Patriot (TV) as Viscount Belfor (ep 4)
Mushi-Shi (TV) as Koro's Father (ep 7)
Mushishi (live-action movie)
My Bride is a Mermaid (TV) as Masa
My First Girlfriend is a Gal (TV) as Junichi (Fusion) (ep 5)
My Hero Academia (TV) as All-Might
My Hero Academia (TV 2) as All-Might
My Hero Academia (TV 3) as All-Might
My Hero Academia (TV 4) as All Might
My Hero Academia (TV 5); All Might
My Hero Academia (TV 6) as All Might
My Hero Academia (TV 7) as All Might
My Hero Academia Memories (special) as All Might
My Hero Academia the Movie -Heroes: Rising- as All Might
My Hero Academia THE MOVIE: World Heroes' Mission as All Might
My Hero Academia: Two Heroes (movie) as All Might
My Hero Academia: You're Next (movie) as All Might; Dark Might
Myriad Colors Phantom World (TV)
Nabari no Ou (TV) as Kannuki (eps 13-15)
Nanbaka (ONA) as Enki Goku
Negima! (TV) as Demon King (ep 26); Devil (ep 23)
Negima!? (TV) as Narrator
Nichijou - My Ordinary Life (TV) as Narrator (ep 17); Spade
Ninja Slayer From Animation (ONA) as Fujikido Kenji/Ninja Slayer
No Guns Life (TV) as Tokisada
No Guns Life (TV 2) as Tokisada (ep 13)
Nobunagun (TV); Robert Capa/Annus
Oh! Edo Rocket (TV) as Tenbe Mimasaka (eps 23-24)
Ōkami-san & Her Seven Companions (TV) as Kumada (ep 1)
One Piece (TV 1999) as Drip (Fake Sanji); Jigoro; Minamoto-san; Roronoa Zoro (FUNimation); Shimotsuki Ushimaru
One Piece 3D2Y: Overcoming Ace's Death! Luffy's Pledge to His Friends (special); Roronoa Zoro
One Piece Episode of East Blue: Luffy to 4-nin no Nakama no Daibōken (special) as Roronoa Zoro
One Piece Episode of Sabo (special); Roronoa Zoro
One Piece Film Gold (movie 13) as Roronoa Zoro
One Piece Film Red (movie 15) as Roronoa Zoro
One Piece Film Strong World (movie 10) as Roronoa Zoro
One Piece Film Z (movie 12) as Roronoa Zoro
One Piece Jidaigeki Special: Luffy Oyabun Torimonocho as Roronoa Zoro
One Piece Special – Adventure of Nebulandia as Roronoa Zoro
One Piece Stampede (movie 14) as Roronoa Zoro
One Piece: Episode of Skypiea (special) as Roronoa Zoro
One Piece: Heart of Gold (special); Roronoa Zoro
One Piece: The Desert Princess and the Pirates: Adventure in Alabasta (movie 8) as Roronoa Zoro
One Punch Man (TV) as Vaccine Man (ep 1)
Origin ~Spirits of the Past~ (movie) as Hajan
Ouran High School Host Club (TV) as Ritsu Kasanoda (eps 22-23)
Overlord (TV)
Overlord III (TV) as Jugem (ep 3)
Pandora in the Crimson Shell: Ghost Urn (TV); Janus North (eps 8, 10, 12)
Panty & Stocking in Sanitarybox (OAV) as Garterbelt
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt (TV) as Garterbelt
Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~ (TV) as Randy
Pluto (ONA) as Colonel Armstrong; Marshall (ep 1)
Pokémon: Black and White (TV) as Cliff (ep 46)
Pop Team Epic (TV) (ep 1); Hellshake Yano (ep 7); Popuko (Bob Epic Team; ep 1a)
Pop Team Epic (TV 2) as Popuko (Bob Epic Team)
(The) Prince of Tennis II (TV) as Hoo Byodoin
(The) Prince of Tennis II OVA vs. Genius 10 as Hoo Byodoin
(The) Prince of Tennis II: U-17 World Cup (TV) as Hōō Byōdōin
(The) Prince of Tennis II: U-17 World Cup Semifinal (TV) as Hoo Byodoin
Psycho-Pass 2 (TV) as Sakuya Togane
Radiant (TV 2)
Rage of Bahamut: Genesis (TV) as Martinet
Ragnarok The Animation (TV) as Holgren (ep 13)
Ranking of Kings (TV) as Despa
Ranking of Kings: The Treasure Chest of Courage (TV) as Despa
Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon (TV) as Director Bear
Reborn! (TV) as Xanxus
Reborn!: Here Comes a Vongola Family-Style School Trip! (special) as XANXUS
Recovery of an MMO Junkie (TV)
Red Data Girl (TV) as Mimura (ep 7)
Restaurant to Another World (TV) as Master
Restaurant to Another World (TV 2) as Chef
RobiHachi (TV) as King (ep 8)
(The) Rolling Girls (TV); Akogi
Romeo × Juliet (TV) as Cerimon
Rosario + Vampire (TV) as Kotsubo Okuto
Rosario + Vampire Capu2 (TV) as Kostubo Okuto
(The) Royal Tutor (TV)
Rurouni Kenshin Part III: The Legend Ends (live-action movie) as Seijuro Hiko
Rurouni Kenshin Saishūshō The Final (live-action movie) as Mumyoi Yatsume
RWBY (U.S. ONA) as Dr. Watts
Sakura Quest (TV) as Iwao Midorikawa (ep 19)
Sakura Taisen: Ecole de Paris (OAV) as Bartender
Samurai 7 (TV) as Kikuchiyo
Sands of Destruction (TV) as Yappy (eps 5, 12)
Sasami: Magical Girls Club (TV); Conductor
School Rumble (TV)
School Rumble: 2nd Semester (TV) as Announcer (ep 10); Deviltusk (ep 24); Emcee (ep 19); Mikoto's Father (ep 17); Yoshimoto (ep 21)
Sengoku Basara - Samurai Kings (TV 2) as Toyotomi Hideyoshi
Sengoku Basara - Samurai Kings: The Last Party (movie) as Toyotomi Hideyoshi
Sengoku Basara: End of Judgement (TV) as Toyotomi Hideyoshi
Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign (TV) as Tenri Hiragi
Sgt. Frog (TV) as Giroro
Shakugan no Shana III (Final) (TV) as Behemoth
Shiki (TV) as Hasegawa
SHIMONETA: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn’t Exist (TV) as Black Base (ep 12); Narrator
Shin chan (TV) as Announcer (FUNimation); Mr. K (FUNimation); Yonro (FUNImation)
Shin Ultraman (live-action movie); Male Commander C; Male DPA Agent B; Male Official; Male US Pilot
Shomin Sample (TV)
Shōnen Maid (TV) as Bearded Baron (ep 4)
Show By Rock!! (TV) as Rom
Show By Rock!! Mashumairesh!! (TV) as Rom (ep 7)
Show By Rock!! Short!! (TV) as Rom
Show By Rock!! Stars!! (TV) as Rom
Show By Rock!!# (TV 2/2016) as Rom
Shuffle! (TV)
(The) Slime Diaries (TV) as Abiru (eps 5-6)
Snow White with the Red Hair (TV) as Haruka
Snow White with the Red Hair (TV 2) as Haruka
Solo Leveling (TV) as Yoonho Baek/Taiga Shirakawa
Solo Leveling -ReAwakening- (movie) as Baek Yoonho
Solo Leveling Season 2 -Arise from the Shadow- (TV) as Baek Yoonho
Solty Rei (TV) as Roy Revant
Soul Eater (TV) as Eibon
Space Dandy (TV)
Space Dandy Season 2 (TV); Isaac (ep 4)
Space Patrol Luluco (TV) as Inferno Cop (ep 11)
Speed Grapher (TV) as Tatsumi Saiga
Spice & Wolf: merchant meets the wise wolf (TV) as Richten Marlheit
Spice and Wolf (TV) as Marlheit (eps 4-6)
Spiral (TV) as Kiyotaka Narumi
Spy×Family (TV 3) as Mr. Green (ep 2)
Star Blazers 2202 (movies) as Hajime Saito
Steins;Gate (TV) as Yugo "Braun" Tennoji
Steins;Gate 0 (TV) as Yūgo "Mr. Braun" Tennōji
Steins;Gate: The Movie - Load Region of Déjà Vu as Yugo "Braun" Tennoji
Strain: Strategic Armored Infantry (TV); Bridge Captain (ep 3)
Strike Witches (TV) as Radio Announcer (ep 6)
Strike Witches 2 (TV)
Summer Wars (movie) as Katsuhiko Jinnouchi
Suppose a Kid From the Last Dungeon Boonies Moved to a Starter Town (TV) as Vritra
Taboo Tattoo (TV) as Colonel Sanders
Tales of Luminaria the Fateful Crossroad (ONA) as Bastien Forge
Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike (movie) as Niren Fedrok
Tenchi Muyo! War on Geminar (OAV) as Naua Flan
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (TV) as Aviru (Lizardman Chieftain)
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (TV 4) as Abiru (ep 63); Gaston (ep 57)
TO (OAV) as Space Terrorist Leader (Elliptical Orbit)
Tokyo Ghoul (TV) as Jason/Yamori
Tokyo Ghoul √A (TV) as Yakumo Oomori (ep 7)
Tokyo Ghoul: Jack (OAV) as Yamori
Tokyo Ghoul:re (TV)
Tokyo Ravens (TV) as Kakugyouki
Tomodachi Game (TV) as Juzo Kadokura
Toriko (TV) as Uumen Umeda
Touken Ranbu: Hanamaru (TV) as Nagasone Kotetsu
(The) Tower of Druaga: The Aegis of Uruk (TV) as Black Knight (ep 1); Door (ep 5)
Trigun: Badlands Rumble (movie) as Power Plant Worker
Trinity Blood (TV) as Father Tres Iques; Janissary B (ep 15)
Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE the Movie: The Princess in the Birdcage Kingdom as Kurogane
Tsubasa Tokyo Revelations (OAV) as Kurogane
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE (TV); Kurogane; Kurogane's Father (ep 40)
Tsubasa: Spring Thunder (OAV) as Kurogane
Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid (TV)
(The) Vampire Dies in No Time (TV) as Nagiri Tsujigiri (eps 5, 8, 10)
Vexille - 2077 Isolation of Japan (movie) as Zak
Vinland Saga (TV 2) as Snake
(The) Vision of Escaflowne (TV) (Funimation); Plaktu (Funimation); Zongi (Funimation)
Wave, Listen to Me! (TV) as Kanetsugu Mato
We Without Wings - Under the Innocent Sky (TV) as Martinez
Wise Man's Grandchild (TV) as Michel Colling
WorldEnd (TV) as Limeskin
xxxHOLiC the Movie: A Midsummer Night's Dream as Collector G
(The) Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting (TV) as Kazuhiko
Yona of the Dawn (TV) as Son Hak
Yu Yu Hakusho (OAV 2018) as Kazuma Kuwabara (All or Nothing)
Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files (TV) as B-Class Demon (ep 74); Big-Nosed Demon (ep 112); Black Black Club Member with Glasses (ep 53); Daikyō Doctor D (ep 73); Detective (ep 74); Gama; Hiei's Imp (uncredited; ep 8); Investigating Civilian E (original version; ep 88); Kairen (ep 66); Kazuma Kuwabara; Mushiyori Civilian B (walla; ep 72); Mushiyori Civilian D (walla; ep 72); Raizen; Toguro's Student A (walla; ep 66); Uneasy Civilian A (ep 88); Wayward Human (ep 112)
Yu Yu Hakusho: Opening & Ending Encyclopedia (OAV) as Kazuma Kuwabara
Yu Yu Hakusho: The Movie (movie 1/1993) as Kazuma Kuwabara (FUNimation)
Yuri!!! on Ice (TV) as Christophe Giacometti
Zoku Touken Ranbu: Hanamaru. (TV 2) as Nagasone Kotetsu
Zombie Land Saga (TV) as Takeo (ep 8)
Zombie Land Saga Revenge (TV) as Takeo Gou (ep 12)

Cast in:
(English version)
(under the name of C.T. Anger)
Dance in the Vampire Bund (TV); Wolfgang Regendorf
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